
Showing posts from 2015

Future of “Digital India” Program– Astrological perspective

How “Digital India” Program will fare? – Astrological perspective Felt like seeing chart of ambitious “Digital India” initiative launched by our Prime Minister Shree Narendra bhai Damodardas Modi ji. The reasons of getting interested in this particular chart were: 1) Intuitively I felt that this could be what as they say-Paradigm shift-in context of our country’s digital technology area. 2) The event happening at the time of *extremely* Intimate conjunction of two GURUs i.e. Guru (Jupiter) and Shukracharya (Venus) in the space, also made me curious about it.     3) Anything which gives serious hope of technological development and ultimately assures of jobs and financial growth of people of my Nation, still makes me interested astrologically! Let’s see if this “Digital India” can become one of the serious growth engines of our Nation in the huge area of Global Digital Market.   Our “Honorable & highly respected world leader” PM Shri Narendra Modi ...

It's योगासन (योग-आसन) - Yogāsana

ॐ ऋषीभ्यो नम: "योगक्षेमम् वहाम्यहम्" : श्री क्रृष्ण in भग्वद् गीता               Yoga (योग) means "To Unite/Union". The worldwide celebration of first International Yoga (योग) day, as declared by UNO, is on 21st June 2015. Only a couple of days away! I thought of writing brief bullet points to clear some misconceptions, misinformation and misunderstandings on so called "Yoga". I have taught 'Yogāsans' to my colleagues in Dubai. They belonged to various nationalities (Indians. Pakistanis, Germans, English, Irish, Jordanian, Egyptian, Iranian, Palestinian etc...). After interacting with them i have come to know of several misconceptions due to lack of right information. For E.g. a certain colleague was under false impression that Yoga was from Chinese culture! I did try my best to clear their doubts, which were mainly out of misinformation, whenever i got chance. Let me put it here some important points in brief for the benefit of interes...

Navamansha Strength of Grahas valid? Check out Punya Chakra!

Ashadhi Amaavasyaa is on at the moment.. I thought of giving here two "Punya-Chakra charts" of modern Himalayas of Spirituality, so that the high importance of "Navamaansha" (नवमांश -D9 Chart) is re-established in our knowledge & implementation of Jyotish shastra as a guiding "Jyoti" in darkness of future. Note: [Punya-Chakra is the chart of the moment of physical death of a being. we are normally not sure of the birth time of many celebrities and so also their inner purity and working of minds (especially in cases of highly acclaimed spiritual personalities), however, timings of physical deaths are normally accurately recorded due to their famous personalities and that can give fair idea of the development of a soul in question. In the year 2006, I had done extensive research on "Punya Chakra Charts" of many famous personalities from various fields. my comprehensive article, which was published in Jyotish Digest (Jan 2007) is also ava...

Shri Ramana's message to sincere Spiritual Seekers

श्री रमणा महर्षी gave an extremely crucial message to all sincere & passionate spiritual seekers (मूमूक्षु) of every age. Hopefully, this small yet experiential advise from the Maharshi, who was one with the Ātman, will forever remove the dark clouds of doubts from the intelligence of modern truth seekers (Especially those who suffer misery on account of their good-desires like doing good to the world, helping suffering humanity, strong feeling of patriotism for ones own country, religion, culture, roots etc.. and on these accounts, if seekers are suffering from any feeling of guilt, anxieties and such strong attachments because they are not able to "do" any thing by their lack of apparent external Karmas due to their spiritual interest). This was revealed by Shri Sadhu Om who lived during physical life time of Maharshi. [ A good person leading a simple yet highly spiritual life and passing away unknown to the world does far more good to the world than all the pol...

॥Core Message of श्री रमणा महर्षी॥

While Jyeshtha Pournima (ज्येष्ठ पौर्णिमा) is on at the moment in the sky, got a trigger of providing a life altering link on this blog. It carries translation of Shri Ramana Maharshi's core message in 26 languages. Just a few pages of ultimate reading!! महर्षी रमणा always used to insist that sincere spiritual seekers read this tiny booklet. It carries the very first and the core experiential knowledge he imparted to the world and used to frequently say that his complete message is capsuled in that work. Whatever elaborations & explanations done later are only for those who had difficulties in understanding the simple truth. Lets also, with gratitude, think of invaluable contribution of those selfless seekers who translated this "final knowledge" in various languages and our heartfelt gratitude to Ramanasramam management for making it freely available to people. Note: I did not fi...

हुँ नरेन्द्र दामोदरदास मोदी ईश्वर ना...

Respected PM Narendra bhai, I wish you and your team, from every pour of my being, all the success in development ( सर्वाँगि विकास) of our great Nation - Bharat varsh! From "हुँ नरेन्द्र दामोदरदास मोदी ईश्वरना नामे सोगंद लऊँ छुँ के..." On 7th of October 2001 To "मैं नरेन्द्र दामोदरदास मोदी ईश्वर की शपथ लेता हुँ की..." On 26th of May 2014 - The "seed" of hope and glorious future has now grown into a "tender plant". With you as our leader, we all will grow the tender plant into an imperishable वटव्रृक्ष ! We pray that all our Gods & Godesses, our Rishis & Sages shower their blessings on you - The Lion of Jagdambā - your Government and BJP. May we hear these words from your blessed mouth - "मैं नरेन्द्र दामाेदरदास मोदी ईश्वर की शपथ लेता हुँ की..." as Pradhan Sevak cum Santri in year 2019 & also in 2024... I thank all those, from the bottom of my heart, who contributed to make 16th May 2014 as the Historical day of Bh...

Liberation: The best explanation ever...

[ If asked, 'Which of these three is final liberation:-   With form, without form, or with-and-without-form?' I say, "Liberation is the extinction of the ego which enquires--- With form, without form, or with-and-without-form'." ] श्री रमण महर्षी How simple, direct, beautiful, scholarly and convincing explanation this is!! i haven't found any defination on liberation which can match these few words by Ramana Guru || Happy अक्षय त्रुतीय॥ - The tithi which indicates आत्मा who is अ-क्षय ... Indestructible.. Changeless..

॥ Journey from Mano-Nishtha towards Ātma-Nishtha॥

॥ चैत्री अमावस्या ॥ रमण महर्षी's message as it occoured to me: Quote: "This is the sum and substance of all that an aspirant needs to know. What is imperatively required of him (her) is an earnest and one-pointed enquiry into the source of  the Aham-vritti." Unquote *** अहं व्रृत्ती (Feeling of "i" within us) is a subtle yet central & powerful thought in each of us. If we just take few moments to go within, we will unmistakably catch THAT... The central feeling which makes us aware of "I am". Its that "constant thought" present in each of us living being. Ramana's message of Ātma-Vichār, in its practical implementation, is anchored on this very Aham-vritti. This Aham-vritti, in most of us, at all times (except in deep sleep) gets attached to one chain of thoughts or the other, gets merged and drawn with it. Lets call this phenomena happening to Aham-vritti as "Mano-Nishtha" (मनो निष्ठा). An aspirant's efforts...

ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन"..

अनहद थक चुका..पूरा तूट चुका.. मनके भार तले दब गया.. धूत्कार से सहेम गया । अब सहनेके पार है ये अहंकारी जीवन.. ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन" ॥ युगों से मैं भटक रहा.. ईच्छाओंसे चहेक रहा.. मैंने रचाया जाल ये.. ऊसीमे मैं बहेक रहा । बाँवरा बन गया मैं खो गया निज-स्मरण.. ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन" ॥ कर्मों का भार ढ़ो रहा.. मैं ज़ार ज़ार रो रहा.. तील तील मैं मर रहा.. मैं तार तार हो रहा । करूणासभर ह्रदयसे न होती अब ठोकरें सहन.. ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन" ॥ गुरू रमणा!! छातीसे लगा लो.. संसार का सब भान भुला दो.. चीत्कार मेरी अब तो सुन लो.. आत्माकी माला में बुनलो । नेत्रों की अनुकंपासे धो डालो ह्रदय-दर्पण.. ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन" ॥ ॥ॐ रमणार्पणमस्तु ॥

Astrological tweets on "Ram-Mandir Nirmaan" (Storify)

& again, I found this "Storify" astrological tweets (@iSearchingI account). This series of tweets have analyzed the Ram Mandir issue which is close to the heart of every HINDU. I thought of adding the link in my blog so that it remains available on this blog. I also appreciate efforts of my friend Suveni Kaul for compiling them using Storify. The link is > Jay Shri Ram..

When NaMo touched his forehead on the steps of Parliament entrance (Storify)

Dear friends, Today I stumbled upon a "Storify" of my 8 months old astrological tweets (@punyaprakop account). This series of tweets have analyzed the chart of "the moment when our PM Narendra Damodardas Modi touched his forehead on the Steps of the Parliament house" giving her the highest respect & reverence. I thought of adding the link in my blog. Thank you to one Mr. JagannathA (whom I do not know) who took efforts to storify these Tweets or else it would have been lost. The link is > Enjoy!