Shri Ramana's message to sincere Spiritual Seekers

श्री रमणा महर्षी gave an extremely crucial message to all sincere & passionate spiritual seekers (मूमूक्षु) of every age. Hopefully, this small yet experiential advise from the Maharshi, who was one with the Ātman, will forever remove the dark clouds of doubts from the intelligence of modern truth seekers (Especially those who suffer misery on account of their good-desires like doing good to the world, helping suffering humanity, strong feeling of patriotism for ones own country, religion, culture, roots etc.. and on these accounts, if seekers are suffering from any feeling of guilt, anxieties and such strong attachments because they are not able to "do" any thing by their lack of apparent external Karmas due to their spiritual interest). This was revealed by Shri Sadhu Om who lived during physical life time of Maharshi.

A good person leading a simple yet highly spiritual life and passing away unknown to the world does far more good to the world than all the political and social reformers and all the platform-heroes of philosophy . .

ॐ नम: शिवाय


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