It's योगासन (योग-आसन) - Yogāsana

ॐ ऋषीभ्यो नम:
"योगक्षेमम् वहाम्यहम्" : श्री क्रृष्ण in भग्वद् गीता
Yoga (योग) means "To Unite/Union". The worldwide celebration of first International Yoga (योग) day, as declared by UNO, is on 21st June 2015. Only a couple of days away! I thought of writing brief bullet points to clear some misconceptions, misinformation and misunderstandings on so called "Yoga".

I have taught 'Yogāsans' to my colleagues in Dubai. They belonged to various nationalities (Indians. Pakistanis, Germans, English, Irish, Jordanian, Egyptian, Iranian, Palestinian etc...). After interacting with them i have come to know of several misconceptions due to lack of right information. For E.g. a certain colleague was under false impression that Yoga was from Chinese culture!

I did try my best to clear their doubts, which were mainly out of misinformation, whenever i got chance. Let me put it here some important points in brief for the benefit of interested readers.

1) First & foremost of all is the popular but incorrect idea of Yoga across the world presently. What we call 'Yoga' today is actually "Aasanā" or "Yogāsanā" (Physical postures).

2) Yogāsanās are a 'part' of the two 'comprehensive spiritual philosophies' called Hath yoga (हठयोग) and Rajayoga (राजयोग or Simply Ashtāng Yoga अष्टांग योग - 8 limbed Yoga).

3) They form one of the most important parts of Hathyoga, however, in the domain of Rajayoga philosophy, they are just one minor part of the total 8 parts. Most authentic reference of Hathyoga philosophy is available in a monumental work called 'Hathyoga-Pradipika' by Swami Swātmārām from Nath linage. Gherand Samhita and Shiv Samhita are also another two classics which gives great information on Hathyoga wherein yogāsanas (about 84 varieties) are comprehensively explained. For Rajayoga (Ashtāng Yoga), the famous 'Patanjali Yogasutra' treaty by Rishi Patanjali is the authority. It will be interesting to note that Rajyoga  mentions of just Sukhasana (comfortable sitting posture for meditation) as their 'Asana'.

4) "Yoga" is a Sanskrit word which means "to unite". Hence the various spiritual systems which were developed 1000s of years ago by spiritual supermen called Rishis, under the umbrella of Vedic Sanskriti in ancient Bharat (India) used this word Yoga as the suffix. for e.g. Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga, Karm Yoga, Raja Yoga, Hath Yoga, Nād Yoga and few others. The ultimate purpose of all these various Yoga philosophies was to unite finite with infinite/Human with God/part with the whole/Ego with the Ātmā/ or whatever one may like to call it. Many of them are briefly described by Bhagvān Shri Krishna in Bhagvad Gita which dates back to 5000+ years ago.

5) Thus Yogāsana (as the main part of Hathyoga and small part of Rajayoga as described earlier) is the inherent and inseparable part of Vedic culture (Sanātan Dharma or modern day Hinduism) and hence it would be unfortunate and also untruth to mark it as a 'secular' science and trying to snatch it away from Hinduism (Vedic culture).

6) Entire Yoga philosophy is the invaluable gift to the entire humankind by Vedic culture (Modern day Hinduism). This is THE TRUTH. (Eloquently stating this without boasting/prejudice/fake humble attitude -  but with a sense of pride and gratitude as a person belonging to the culture of Vedas)

7) Yogāsanas (Physical postures) form 1 limb of the total 8 limbs of the Yoga System called Rājayoga (Or Ashtang yoga). All the 8 limbs (parts) of the complete Yoga systems are:
Yama (Rules), Niyama (Regulations), Āsana (Physical postures - which we incorrectly take it as a Yoga now a days), Pratyāhāra (Withdrawing sense inwards from externalization), Prānāyāma (Breath control), Dhāranā (Practicing one pointed focus of mind), Dhyāna (Meditation), Samādhi (Merging into infinite/God/Absolute/Ātman/SELF)

8) The original purpose of Yogāsana was/is to make physical body suitable for engaging in meditation for long hours by gradually making it healthy, supple, flexible and generally disease free so that the final goal of Samādhi is achieved.
However, It is proved beyond doubt that the effects of regular and sustained Yogāsana practice greatly helps fitness of body as well as it has calming effects on mind too. The clincher, for the most human beings across the world (of any country/religion/sects/ethnicity), is the physical as well as mental benefits of it. This particular aspect has made the Yogāsana (aka Yoga) very popular and respected all over the world. It has generated the realistic hopes and resultant enthusiasm in people everywhere.

9) I sincerely suggest that people who are engaging in Yogāsana schedule should also conclude it by at least 10 to 15 minutes of Meditation for deriving the optimum benefits of it for the body and mind. This will be surely the stress-buster!

10) Although Yogāsana may help in curing some physical ailments such as back pain, neck pain, thyroids, Indigestion, Constipation and many other, yet it is FALSE to claim that it can cure any & every disease and also without additional medication in majority of cases. Yogāsana is NOT a medical system although it can help in preventing or even curing many a physical ailments if done under proper guidance.

11) Yogāsana is NOT a Magic! Please clearly understand this fact.

12) Regular practice of Yogāsana along with meditation effectively helps in bringing harmony in personality (helps in synchronizing Body, Mind, Speech & Actions). Thus harmony in individual personalities eventually may result into harmony in the world.. hopefully!

My heart felt gratitude to Rishis of yore who founded and propagated these systems through thousands of years and to all modern dedicated people who took Yoga to every corner of the world for the benefit of entire humanity without any discrimination whatsoever.

Its a glorious tribute to the magnanimity and selflessness of Vedic culture (Hinduism) that Yoga knowledge was transferred to entire humanity without even intention of changing their religious faiths either by force or emotional means or maneuvering or any other designs. Yogāsana (Popular as Yoga) is now the shining example of one of the core values of Hinduism founded in Vedas which eloquently proclaims - ||वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम|| "Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam" (Entire universe is one family)

End this by giving two verses from our classics.

योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् (Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam - Excellence in action is Yoga)

योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः (YogashChittavrittiNirodh - Yoga is the cessation of thoughts in mind)

Pranaams to sacred land of Bharat Mata, on which this philosophy of universal blessings was born and flourished.

|| ॐ तत् सत् ||


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