PUNYACHKRA CHART ANLAYSIS. (Punya Chakra chart mean the Astrological chart of the moment of the Physical death)

I wrote this article way back in December 2006. Inspiration to write this article came from Sri Sanjay Rath () who did publish this article in his Quarterly Astrology magazine called "Jyotish Digest" (). My understanding then and now would have gone through few changes. however, the subject is very interesting for serious Astrologer community and hence decided to make it public.
This is a very very long post, hence take your sweet time to enjoy.
Screenshots of Few charts are given at the end of this post.


ॐ गँ गणपतये नमः ॐ नमः शिवाय जय् गुरुदेव

I bow to Lord Shiva, who has been the silent force in my life in all aspects, especially in the study of Vedic jyotisha. I also bow to many scholars, known & unknown, from whom knowledge was received and finally I touch the holy feet of Three Gurus in my life- Thakur Sri Ram krushna Paramhamsa, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel & Sri Sri Ravishankar, who inspire my spirit with their own lives as well as teachings.

The subject (Punya ChakraDeath Chart) touched upon in this article comes under the realm of Life after death and hence remains a mystery. However strong astrological principle, logic & intuitive faculties are applied, most of the delineation on this subject remains impossible to confirm hence they remain essentially assumptions and for this very reason I beg the forgiveness from all the souls, whose Punya chart details are discussed herein, for any mistakes/false Judgments made.

* Life after Death * is one of the major mysteries which has inspired many saints, yogis, realized souls & Mumukshus to search for the FINAL TRUTH. Factually, the ‘death’ factor remains one of the major catalyst which wakes up a soul to understand his miserable condition of bondage in the world of impermanence and fires up the most fortunate amongst humans to Arise, awake & stop not till the goal is reached i.e. pervade the realm of life & death, beyond Maya and realization of final Truth.

Whatever writings available on the matter of Spirituality are mostly the experiences of some humans who have claimed that they have known the truth. They have themselves realized it and out of compassion for the others, tried to show the path. But having said that, the all important fact remains that the *Self Realization* is the experience which is personal and one has to experience by himself/herself. Till then the doubts shall remain & endless journey continues.

Coming to the topic at hand, most of us are aware about the definition of “Punya Chakra” It is the Astrological chart prepared for the exact moment when a soul departs from physical body. The point is that weather or not, an astrologer can really utilize this chart to see 1) overall understanding of how one has lived his/her life 2) one’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Desires, Transgressions etc… 3) Circumstances of Death 4) Destination of Soul. It has been already discussed once by Shri Robert Koch in an earlier issue of JD. He has tried to enlighten us with some basic principles from tradition of Sri Jagannath centre giving few example charts. The present article is an effort made to look at “Punya Chakra” using some important truths described in Spiritual classics correlating it with basics of Vedic Jyotisha Shastra.

Basis of understanding Punya Chakra
1) In the most general form, death is the moment when the Jiva (conditioned Soul) is separated from Gross (physical) body. For Jiva, it is just a tool or most inferior bondage which has been dropped. But the real tough bondages which are called as “Sukshma Shareera” and “Kaaran Shareera” still remain with the Jiva for most cases. The Jiva may remain without physical body till he gets a new one at new destination (Loka) or on the earth provided final liberation is yet to be achieved.
The above explanation drives us to believe that that “Lagna” of Punya Chakra indicates Physical body which has been abandoned by Jiva (because it is logical to assume that at the moment of death Jiva is without any Physical body). Hence the Lagna along with other influences in PC charts can indicate the matter related to Nature of Death, Circumstances of death and such things. We may utilize Lagna along with Lord to see the working of Intelligence at the moment of death.

2) Extract from ‘Amrutbindu Upanishad’
मन एव् मनुष्यणां कारणं बन्धमोक्षयोः।
बन्धाया विषयासक्तं मुक्तं निर्विषयं स्म्रुतम्॥
mana ev manuṣyaṇāaṁ kāraṇaṁ bandhamokṣayoḥ |
bandhāyā viṣayāsaktaṁ muktaṁ nirviṣayaṁ smrutam ||

Shloka from ‘Yoga Vaasishtha’
यतह् कुतस्चिद् उत्पन्नं चित्तं यत् किन्चिद एव हि।
नित्यं आत्मा विमोक्षया योज्येद यतन्तोनघ॥
yatah kutascid utpannaṁ cittaṁ yat kincida eva hi |
nityaṁ ātmā vimokṣayā yojyeda yatantonagha ||

Shloka from ‘Bhagvad Gita’
यम् यम् वापि स्मरनभावम् त्यजन्ते कलेवरम।
तम तमेवैति कौन्तेय् सदा तद्भाव्भाविताः॥
yam yam vāpi smaranabhāvam tyajante kalevarama |
tama tamevaiti kauntey sadā tadbhāvbhāvitāḥ ||

The above 3 different verses from 3 different classics & every enlightened beings have made it amply clear that ‘Mind’ is the focal point for either bondage or liberation of Jiva.
Shri Krushna Bhagavan in the above verse from Bhagvad Gita also makes it clear that Mano-bhava at the time of death takes Jiva to that kind of circumstances after death.
For last instance, it is apt to state Sri Thakur when he says “It is all question of Mind. The bondage & liberation are of the mind alone”

The above explanation makes strong base to study the PC for state of Mind of departed Jiva. Now our seer of Vedic astrology has advised us to see the “Moon” for the Mind. Besides, Moon is also the karaka of 4th Bhava & it owns the 4th house of Kaal purusha. 4th house stands for “Hriday Bhavana”.

Thus the *Moon* & 4th Bhava in the PC chart becomes very important focal points which can throw light on condition of Mind at the moment of death.

It has been observed (as it’ll be clear from example charts) that Moon afflicted by more than one malefic generally show death in Unconscious condition or Coma.

3) Sun represents Atman or Soul in Jyotisha-classics. Hence study of Sun in PC becomes equally important. Powerful Sun in chart is very important indicator of a pious soul.

4) Tenant of 4th House & strength of the lord should be seen. 4th house containing own Lord having aspected by Jupiter or Jupiter/Venus placed in 4th house is a beautiful combination which speaks about a life of Jiwan Mukta or a Realized soul provided I) the combination is not overshadowed by Malefic Rahu II) Sun & Moon in Strength and one of them also connected to ketu and III) 7th house is not occupied by any planet at the same time 7th lord is not affected by natural malefics.

5) Strength of Planets in 4th house or aspecting 4th house and 4th lord is vital in the charts of Spiritual aspirants. Influence of Jupiter & Venus on 4th is a blessing which brings about divine happiness dawn due to pure wisdom. Purity of heart is extremely rare virtue without which OM TAT SAT is far far away.

6) Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and/or 10th lord placed in 12th unfailingly shows a Jiva who gained the merits due to very good quality of Karma yoga if not the purest form of Karma yoga.

7) Moksha karaka Ketu’s Influence on any of Sun, Moon or Lagnesha in ‘Trines’ seems to be indicative of very advanced soul who is seriously on the path of spirituality.

8) Un-natural death is indicated if there are excessive influences of Natural malefics on 1st, 2nd & 7th house. At least 2 of the 3 should be afflicted. Probability increase all the more if Lords of 2nd and/or 7th house connect these houses by placement AND Lagnesha is also afflicted by Natural Malefics.

9) Planet(s) placed in the 7th house are indicative of very strong desires. Secondarily placement & influence on 7th lord as well as planetary influence on Lagna (Dhi) also indicative of some desires carry by Jiva. This is more easy to see incase of ordinary mortals (in spiritual sense).

10) Strength of Ketu, Jupiter, and Moon & Sun in Navamansha seems to be evident in higher spiritual advancement of soul besides philosophical Kumbha Rashi and its connection with Shubh Planets, Ketu or its lord Saturn in Rashi or D9 of Punya Chakra.

11) Observation of Strength of Teethi (Lunar Day), Vaara (week day) & Nakshatra (constellation) lords.

Prior to starting with example charts, it is very important to note (intelligent readers are not unaware though) Moksha or liberation from cycle of birth & death is rarest of fruit as it’s the final one. One in thousands really thinks about spiritual path, still fewer are those fortunate ones who start walking on the path seriously and rarest of rare reaches the self-realization or merges in god. Thus Moksha is the hardest of achievement as it is the final one. Such extremely rare phenomenon must also reflect in rarity in PC. Keeping this in my mind, it is easy to understand that most of us humans are having one weakness or other or all of them throughout life. We ordinary mortals are entangled in endless likes & dislikes, coiled in to the clutches of so many serpents such as Kaama, Krodha, Mada, Lobha, Moha, and Matsarya; remain unaware of death in our ignorance. Purity of heart, mind, and intellect is not easy to find in charts unless one has done intense spiritual sadhana in many life times to finally come to a birth in which realization is dawn. For most charts we can only see as to the soul has acquired some merits or otherwise. Hence pointing at the weakness in character of the examples is done with complete awareness of my own countless shortcomings and once again I ask the forgiveness of all the souls & the lord.

1) Punya Chakra of ‘Thakur Shri Ram Krushna Paramahamsa’
16.08.1886, 1.10 am (Appx), Kolkata
My Guru, the shining light of spirituality who graced this earth in 19th century is without doubt a spiritual Sumeru. Let us see his Punya chart if we can really co-relate it with the fact of his spiritual life.

-- House of desire is empty where as lord is un-influenced in 4th.

-- Lagna has 9th lord Saturn. Lagna lord Mercury is retrograde and rushing to merge in the Soul, the Sun. meaning intelligence (Mercury can strongly mean intelligence here as the Lagna lord as well as karaka) is completely absorbed in the Atman.

-- Moon the Karka of mind is in 9th with kaivalya karaka Ketu. The combination is in philosophical Kumbha. Ketu is again Vargottama while moon is aspected only by benefic Venus in Navamansha. The moon-Ketu combination in Rashi is directly aspected by powerfully positive Sun. Thus Philosophical & Detached Mind (moon in Kumbha with Ketu) is totally engrossed in the thought of Kaivalya (Ketu), merging in to the self (Sun).

-- Sun, the Karaka of Soul is exceedingly powerful as it has entered Simha, Gained Exalted Navamansha along with Jupiter & mercury in D9. Sun has also gained 14 own/exaltation Vargas out of 16. Vargottama Rahu is also with Sun but Sun is absolutely powerful as explained and hence the Sun-Rahu combination in this case mean, The cause of rebirth, the Rahu, the planet of delusion is getting dissolved in to the fire of Atman, the Sun.

-- Divine grace of Jupiter placed in 4th .Jupiter’s influence on Moksha Trikona and lord mercury’s condition discussed above are ample indicators of purity of heart. The representative of divine grace, Jupiter is with Sun-mercury & in Kendra to Moon in d9.

-- Teethi & Vaara lord is Sun who is in Mool Trikona & exalted Navamansha besides gaining very high benefic Vargas. Nakshatra Lord is Rahu is Vargottama. Sun & Rahu are conjoined with 4th lord.

-- It is of less importance but not out of place to see the death circum stances. 2nd lord Moon with Ketu aspected by Sun-Rahu combination. 2nd is hemmed in between Saturn & Sun-Rahu. 3rd (Manifestation of 2nd) having strong influence of Saturn, Rahu/Ketu & Sun. all these factors justify his departure due to ‘Throat cancer’. If I am not going too far, his utterance of final word as “Kali” is justifiable with 2nd Lord Moon in Kumbha aspected by Rahu and female planet venues in 2nd? Readers may decide on it themselves.

Interestingly, when Thakur departed, “Mala yoga” was formed starting with Saturn in Lagna and ending with Mars in 5th as if the heavenly beings were welcoming him with “Vijay Mala”.

It is a very special Punya chart which gives us lot of Parameters in our efforts to understand PC w. r .t. Spiritual state of the Jiva.

2) Punya Chakra of ‘Shri Raman Maharshi’
14.04.1950, 8.47 pm, Tiruvannamalai
Take the case of Saint from Arunachala. Raman Maharshi is also a famous spiritual giant who chose major part of life to remain silent and encourage spiritual aspirants for the “Inquire of Self” - Who am I?

-- 7th is empty & lord well placed in 4th with Jupiter.

-- Lagna Lord Mars conjoined Ketu, Moon in Meena aspected by Ketu, Moon is Strong being in own sign Karka in D9. Ketu is influencing strong Moon in trine in Meena rashi gives indication of his final thoughts connected to Moksha.

-- In this chart also Sun is wonderfully strong being “Uchcha Vargottama” conjoined strong mercury (exalted in D9) and having gained 12 benefic Vargas out of 16. Moon is one rashi behind the Sun indicative of Mind on the verge of getting dissolved in to the Atman.

-- the eye catching factor of this chart is Navamansha where Saturn, Mars, Sun, Moon & Mercury are exalted, Jupiter is in Mool-Trikona and Vargottama Venus in Kumbha. This gives us the clue that “One of the brightest of Stars has passed away”. This one point alone should dispel any doubt in the mind of skeptics that he was a spiritual giant.

-- As you will find in the PC of highly evolved, realized souls who have completely purified their hearts, this chart has 4th house tenanted by two first rate benefics Guru & Shukra in philosophical sign Kumbha. Both the planets are again strengthen having own house aspect of Saturn and icing on the cake is that All the 3 are in great strength in Navamansha. Similar to Thakur’s pc, strong Jupiter is influencing Moksha Trikona. Without doubt, he possessed one of the purest of hearts which must be God’s own abode.

-- The house of desire is empty where as lord is again in 4th in Kumbha with strong guru & Shani indicative of no particular desire of returning back to planet.

-- Teethi & Nakshatra lord is Jupiter who is in Kumbha (akin to his exaltation being a highly philosophical sign) & placed in Mool Trikona in Navamansha. Vaara Lord is Venus, again in Kumbha having Digbal & Vargottama strength besides placed with strong Jupiter. Jupiter & Venus are conjoined in 4th.

-- I am not clearly able to co-relate his illness of last days (Sore, swelling in left arm) due to my limited knowledge.

The above analysis is sufficient to understand shri Raman Maharshi’s spiritual evolvement and final merging of his soul into the universal soul is a highly possible.

3) Punya Chakra of ‘Swami Vivekananda'
04.07.1902, 21.17, Belur
The beloved of Thakur, The militant monk, the first who took the spiritual light of Vedanta philosophy to west, The Patriotic sanyasi who inspired the youth by giving them the Mantra of Upanishad “Arise, Awake & Stop not…”, the first who boldly declared that ‘weakness is death’, who loved Shri Krishna Bhagwan for his unique, pioneering philosophy of “Work for the sake of work, Love for the sake of love..”, The one who so much over worked his body for the sake of humanity that the gross body crumbled by the age of 34, finally the one who even didn’t hesitate to disagree with his master in several matters before surrendering completely.

-- 7th is again empty where as 7th lord’s position is already explained.

-- Kumbha rising with the Vargottama lord Saturn placed in 12th with Guru. Both are retrograde. It is evident that Vivekananda departed in Samadhi by his own wish & own efforts.

-- Sun, mercury & moon combination in 5th. This is a sort of combination which gives us the impression of merging of Mana & Buddhi in to Atman. Sun is in Meena in Navamansha where as moon & mercury is combined in Scorpio, the sign of mysticism.

-- Venus occupies own 4th Bhava with Digbal and aspected by Jupiter from 12th. Here Jupiter has again influence on Moksha Trikona. Venus is conjoined Mars. Now the interesting thing is that Mars- Venus combination is Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and aspected by Jupiter. This is indicative of positive Martian influence on 4th house & lord. Mars is karaka for Patriotism, Boldness, and Opposite of weakness hence Swami Vivekananda was Pure at heart having deep feeling for Matrubhumi (4th house & lord); He strived to remove ‘weakness of character’ from people and as combination of 9th & 10th lord in 4th suggests, he was a true “Karma Yogi”.
Mars & Venus combination is a charged up energy and given a right direction, it has power to take one to the highest goal which is God. And Swamiji’s heart seems to have bubbling with this energy to remove all the Sinner tendencies (Paap Purusha) from entire universe.

-- Teethi & Vaara lord is Venus who is in own sign having Digbal. Nakshatra Lord is Mars well placed & well associated in Rashi. Mars & Venus are conjoined in 4th.

-- 3 planets retrograde, 7th house empty, various combination of spirituality, gives a impression that he was a chosen instrument of God who shall remain with that bliss until the almighty again send him to this universe for establishment of dharma. And if it is really so, we all must feel grateful.

4) Punya Chakra of ‘Swami Sivananda’
14.07.1963, 23.15, Rishikesh

This ascetic, prolific writer on spirituality has authored more than 200 books. His one of the very best teaching was “Like a child, forget the wrong done to you immediately. Don’t harbor any hatred against anyone in your heart”. His last preaching before passing away was “Happiness can only come when Individual merges in the God”.

-- 7th house is empty & lord mercury strong in 4th

-- Jupiter is in Meena Lagna in Rashi and in Kumbha Navamansha with Venus.

-- Moon is unaffiliated, placed in Nakshatra of Ketu who, having Vargottama strength, is well placed in 10th in sign of strong Jupiter.

-- 4th house is again very strong with lord mercury, Sun, Venus & Rahu. Mercury, Sun & Rahu are in Vargottama Navamansha where as Venus having Digbal in Rashi, is very well placed in D9 with Jupiter in Kumbha rashi.
Position of Rahu could not have been detrimental here as Sun & 4th lord mercury as well as Venus are also in great strength.
-- Kaivalya Karaka Ketu is Vargottama placed in 10th in the sign of Jupiter who is again placed in Meena, the 12th sign of Zodiac, the Sign of Maharshi.

-- Teethi & Vaara lord is Sun who is Vargottama. Nakshatra Lord is Ketu again with Vargottama strength. Sun is placed in 4th aspected by Ketu from 10th.

-- He drank half a glass of holy water of Ganga before final departure. Jupiter in Meena Lagna, Moon in 2nd can show it? Readers may look at this.

-- Jupiter in Meena Lagna, Despositor of Ketu, powerful in Navamansha is and aspected by strong Saturn is consistent with his being a very scholarly ascetic. He lived the life of a learned Pundit, who was Jnaani as well as ascetic and also giver of knowledge of Vedanta.

5) Punya Chakra of ‘Maharshi Aurobindo’

The Original thinker, one of the best of philosopher of all times, much the same as Swami Vivekananda he was also a fiery Patriot, a yogi, a wonderful commentator on Vedas.

-- 7th house is occupied by Rahu in Meena where as Lord Jupiter is in Kumbha un- tainted. Rahu in 7th aspected strongly by Mars indicates shri Aurobindo’s desire to come back. For the purpose of spiritual philosophy as indicated by Meena rashi, Lord is in Kumbha & Mool Trikona (Dhanu) in D9.

-- Moon is placed in own Constellation along with kaivalya karaka Ketu & Saturn. Moon is exalted & Saturn is in Meena in Navamansha. Besides, moon is the lord of Teethi, Vaara & Nakshatra placed in Lagna in strength.

-- 4th house is again very strong with Mercury & Mars. Mars is Vargottama along with mercury coupled with 4th lord Jupiter in Kumbha (Dhanu Navamansha) without doubt indicates his sharpest logic, his philosophical pursuits and his truly patriotic feelings.
It is well known that till end of his life, he remained concerned about India & Politics. Compare it with strong Mars in 4th in Vivekananda PC and 4th lord Mars exalted in Lagna and strongly aspecting it’s own 4th house in Sardar Patel’s PC (Given later in this article).
All the three were ‘Genuine Patriotic’ who had burning love for mother land.

Venus is not connected directly to 4th but very near to it and connects to it indirectly by Mars & Mercury as both happens to be Rashi & Nakshatra despositor of Venus respectively. So it seems Maharshi Aurobindo, likely to be a perfected soul who still desired to comeback.

Summarizing mainly the repetitive astrological factors in all the PC Chart of Spiritual Giants, we can note following common points.

1) 7th & 8th house is empty except Maharshi Aurobindo’s PC

2) Lords of Teethi, Vaara, & Nakshatra are all very strong, interestingly enough are placed together or aspect each other and are strongly connected to 4th house or 4th lord.

3) Very Strong 4th House & Lord. Typically conjoined or aspected by Jupiter or Venus or both. This combination brings on to surfaces one important truth that for attaining “ultimate Sukha” Jupiter & Venus are very important planets and also Strong influence of Jupiter & Venus on 4th is the combination for spiritual hearts.

4) High Strength of Sun, Jupiter, Moon & Ketu in Rashi as well as Navamansha.

Let’s take following example of a person whom I knew very well.

6) Punya Chakra of ‘A Serious Spiritual Aspirant’
08.12.2002, 22.30, Halol (Gujarat)

This person, very well known to me was a pious soul. Always truthful & extremely Kind hearted, was several times cheated by partners in business, thrown away from business, yet took all in his stride, never spoke ill about any of them or never cursed them (Had AK Rahu in birth Chart –without aware of astrology, his soul was aware that he should not blame anybody for that- strong case for AK Rahu). That changed his direction of life. Though he kept doing work for the survival of his family, he started doing Gayatri Mantra Japa intensely, that triggered the latent spiritual tendencies within him. He kept on working to stabilize his new started business with same truthfulness, kept on giving donations for the study of poor children (even if he has very little earnings), kept on doing his Gayatri Japa till his physical end and last 3-4 years of life saw the glimpses of Vairagya in him. Taking a week off, he used to go to a hill in outskirts with some like minded people to live the life seclusion, performing Japa, Gayatri yagna and thinking about God whole week.
He visited a marriage function in different town with his wife. Immediately after joyful participation in Garaba Raas (Traditional devotional dance popular in Gujarati speaking people), he suffered severe heart attack, vomited the blood & departed.

-- Lagna has exalted 9th lord Jupiter who aspects Lagna lord moon. Moon is in own Nakshatra. Jupiter is in Kumbha in D9 again aspecting moon.

-- Ketu is with Sun in Trine. Ketu is Vargottama in own house.

-- 4th house has own Lord Venus with 5th lord Mars giving a Rajayoga. Mars is exalted in Navamansha. Jupiter though exalted and aspecting Moon doesn’t influence Venus in the 4th by aspect (not even Rashi aspect) this indicates to me that though purification process of his “Hriday Bhavana” had started and seems to be very near to completely free of impurities, had not reached to the level on enlightenment. But it is my intuition that enlightenment of his soul is not far, may be another one or two births.

-- Jupiter, Sun & moon are Teethi, Vaara & Nakshatra lords respectively. They are in good strength but are not strongly connected to each other and missing the influence on 4th house or lord. The situation is not as perfect as it was observed in perfected souls which are also suggestive that he has to continue on his spiritual path for some more time.

-- Strength of both the co-lords of 5th house together with aspect of exalted 9th lord from coupled with Sun’s placement in 5th speaks volume about his tremendous liking towards “Gayatri Mantra Japa” as well as lord Shiva.

-- Moon as Lagna lord in 7th aspected by two trine lords suggests his attachment to attitude of kindness. His desire to help poor, performing spiritual karma (aspect of 5th & 9th lord) suggest that he’ll come back for the journey for self realization from where he left.
-- 7th lord Saturn in 12th (desire for the path of Moksha or spiritual inclination), Saturn exalted in Navamansha aspected by Jupiter from Kumbha Navamansha in D9. Jupiter the divine planet cum 9th lord cum Dhana-karaka exalted in Lagna aspecting Lagna lord in both Rashi & d9. Rajayoga in 4th house with Mars-Venus in strength (5th & 11th lord), 2nd lord in 5th with 5th co-lord are all suggestive of a fortunate PC which may enable him to take birth in Rich & pious family and continue the spiritual journey from where he left (Shri Krushna will fulfill his promises given in Gita)

7) Punya Chakra of ‘Dhirubhai Ambani’

The native is a household name in India due to his own story of glory from rag to riches. Let’s try to see some features of his Punya Chakra.

-- Died in Coma, Exalted moon with Saturn & Rahu.

-- Moon exalted in Rashi and occupies Kumbha Navamansha. Jupiter who being Lagna & 10th lord is extraordinarily strong as it is exalted (Aarohi), Vargottama, in own Nakshatra and having 9 out of 16 benefic Vargas. Sun is exalted in Navamansha. this is consistent with what I have learnt about him that he had a great wisdom & philosophical bent of mind.

-- Jupiter & Mars combination in 5th with Vargottama strength is a High level Rajayoga which speaks about him being a Karmyogi (Dharma Karmadhipati yoga), extremely powerful man and also a man who followed the Dharma (combination of Lagna & 9th lord)

-- The 5th lord exalted and Jupiter-Mars combination in 5th though tainted by Saturn’s aspect from rashi & Rahu’s conjuct in D9. It is evident that within short period after his death, his two sons split but powerful Rajayoga has seen flourishing of his both the Sons as they are among India’s top 3 richest.

-- 4th house has Mercury in own house with strong Sun but no connection with Jupiter or Venus.

This chart shows some interesting things. It is like a paradox. Dhirubhai was feared by most politicians, Burocrates as well as competitors in business. We have many stories of his being a ruthless & deadly to his adversaries but his Punya Chakra suggest that he was not such a horrific individual as it made out to be. Though he must have used shoddy means in his journey, his intentions and dreams were lofty. It seems to me that his ruthless handling and cunning ways would have been with those who were themselves not saintly or simple people. It is also a very well known fact that he helped many during his life without any publicity. He never craved for respect or publicity or Name & fame. Lagna & 9th lord in 5th house of cancer as well as 5th lord moon exalted indicates his Bhakti for Lord Krishna & his teachings (Gita) and the chart shows the soul has gained merits due to his life based on Karma yoga philosophy.
(* It is possible that I am being biased here out of liking for the native. I request readers to themselves have a good look at the chart)

Following are the example of prominent Political personalities who died un-natural death by bullets, Accident or Bomb-blasts.

Focus is only on the Nature of death which is un-natural

8) Punya Chakra of ‘Mahatma Gandhi-ji’
30.01.1948, 17.15, Delhi

 Maraka (7th lord), bitter enemy of Lagnesh & Functional malefic Saturn afflicts Lagna by placement & Lagna lord by aspect.
 Another Maraka Sun (2nd lord) in 7th, and aspected by Saturn. Thus 2 Maraka planets afflict Lagna as well as 7th.
 2nd is afflicted by Mars & aspected by Rahu. All the Paap Graha in Kendra without benefics causing Sarpa yoga.

9) Punya Chakra of ‘Martin Luther king Junior’
04.04.1968, 18.01, 90w02 35n08 (5.00 w of GMT)

 Maraka planets Venus is exalted in 7th with Saturn, Rahu, Sun & debilitated Lagnesh
 7th lord Jupiter is in Parivartana with 12th lord Sun hence Sun may assume role of Maraka Jupiter with the affliction of Saturn & Rahu
 As indicated above, Lagna, 7th & Lagnesh is afflicted with Saturn, Rahu/Ketu & Maraka planets while 8th is again afflicted by Mars & Rahu.

10) Punya Chakra of ‘Pramod Mahajan’
03.05.2006, 16.10, Mumbai
 Similar to King Jr’s PC, 2nd Lord Venus exalted in 7th and afflicted by Rahu. Here 2nd lord & 7th lord are in Parivartana.
 Lagna is afflicted by Rahu, Saturn & Mars. Lagnesh Mercury is afflicted by Rahu, Saturn & Sun.
 If we stretch our astrological logic, lords of 3rd house, Ketu & Mars both afflicting Lagna by placement & aspect respectively coupled with Saturn affliction interestingly indicates his death by younger brother (Ketu, Mars) & bullets (Saturn).

11) Punya Chakra of ‘Indira Gandhi’
31.10.1984, 11.00 AM, New Delhi

 Maraka lord Saturn exalted & combined with another Maraka lord Mercury in 11th and afflicts Lagna as well as Lagnesh.
 Lagna & Lagnesh is afflicted by Mars & Saturn
 7th house is afflicted by Rahu & Mars while 8th house by Mars & Saturn.

In all the above examples from 7 to 10, It is well-known that all the above natives died by *Bullets* and along with other combinations of un-natural death it’s conclusively evident that Saturn (the Karaka of Bullets) is afflicting both Lagna as well as Lagnesh.
This will be again proved by following two examples of Late Rajeev & Sanjay Gandhi, both of which died un-natural deaths but NOT with Bullets and if we see their PC, Saturn is afflicting either Lagna or Lagnesh but not both.

12) Punya Chakra of ‘Sanjay Gandhi’
23.06.1980, 8.10 am, Delhi

 Maraka lord Saturn (7th) is placed in another Maraka house 2nd along with Mars & Jupiter and aspected by Rahu. Saturn-Mars also afflict 8th house.
 Lagna & 7th is afflicted by nodes where as Lagnesh moon by Saturn.
 Lagnesh in 4th house in Airy sign (Vehicle +Air), 3rd lord Mercury in Lagna (Traveling) afflicted by nodes & Ketu in 7th (Mistake) can indicate death by Accident of helicopter. Some more points energy of Mars + Jupiter turns to negative explosion when afflicted by Saturn.

13) Punya Chakra of ‘Rajeev Gandhi’
21.05.1991, 22.18, Sriperumbudur, India

 Lagna afflicted by Saturn, Mars & Rahu & 7th by Saturn & Mars. Saturn & Rahu are also 2nd lords.
 Lagna & 7th is afflicted by nodes where as Lagnesh moon by Saturn. 2d house lord afflicted by Mars.
 Energy of Guru + Mars resulted in destruction due to affliction from retro Saturn.
 Beside basic combinations of Un-natural death given above, look at the conglomeration of many unfortunate placements of planets w. r. t Lagna.
Lagna has Saturn in Marana Karka Sthana, whereas 6th, 7th & 8th houses are occupied by planets in MK Sthana namely Venus, Mars & Moon respectively. Even mercury in 4th is in MK resulting in to the complete destruction of gross body.

I am ending the discussions on un-natural deaths with a remark that combination of Jupiter & Jupiter afflicted by Saturn is found in all the 3 charts of late Indira, Sanjay & Rajeev Gandhi.

14) Punya Chakra of ‘a Nativity’

I have the information from authentic source that this Native Never thought Ill about anybody, He was very truthful, and he possessed the courage & boldness. Could laugh heartily like a child. He also desired to die in a popular holy place surrounded by Hills and his wish came true.

-- Venus well placed in own house in 4th. As per explanation given earlier in the charts of yogi’s & saints, the heart is happy & relatively un-tainted.

-- Moon in Meena and in own Navamansha tainted by Rahu & Saturn by aspect. This also can show death in un-consciousness. Thus Mind possessing mixed influences but more on positive sides. Sun same way with Saturn but exalted in Navamansha showing strength with affliction.

-- Ketu in 9th where is in Kumbha Navamansha aspected by Jupiter.

-- 7th house is with Jupiter, Rashi is Leo – combined influence can indicate rebirth in the Holy, wealthy region of Hills/forest. In own lineage is also possibility as Jupiter is 2nd lord.

All in all native really does seem to have accumulated good Samskaaras in life to have a fortunate rebirth on earth.

15) Punya Chakra of ‘a Nativity’
14.01.1990, 04.04 am, Idar (Gujarat)

This native spent his entire life in village. A peasant by profession, he was well respected in entire village as well as community but still humble. He was known as a person of wisdom who tried to bridge the gap between people and believed in brotherhood. He was also bold, blunt & frank when occasions demanded.

-- 4th house is aspected by Jupiter & moon.

-- House of desires is empty but lord is in 3rd with Rahu. 3 planets retrograde.

-- Jupiter is in Dhanu Navamansha, Moon is in Exalted Navamansha & Sun is in Vargottama Dhanu Navamansha with Jupiter.

-- Moon in Ketu’s Navamansha where as Ketu placed in 9th. Both the Lagna lords are strong in Dharma Trikona.

-- Venus placed near 4th house and exalted in Navamansha.

-- His Sons & Grandsons prospered after his death which is evident from the 5th lord Jupiter’s strength in Punya Chart.

The native died exactly on the Bhishma-Prayan day in Brahma muhurt. The above factor shows that he had lived a life which could be better in the judgment of almighty.

There are many PC Charts which is not feasible to produce in this article due to Time & Space hence I conclude the illustrations by providing PC chart of one of My Gurus, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and Whose PC Chart is the real inspiration & cause for my efforts to study Punya Chakra in depth.

16) Punya Chakra of ‘Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’
15.12.1950, 9.37 am, Mumbai

First let me clear one truth that 31.10.1875 is not his real birthday as it is used by almost everybody. He himself didn’t know his birthday. However, Shri Rajmohan Gandhi (Grandson of Gandhi ji) who wrote Sardar’s biography was some how able to find out that his birth day was either 30.4.1876 or 7.5.1876.

Now let’s come to the chart as it is the only way with us to really understand one of the real all time heroes of India.

-- Moon in 2nd in Kumbha with Jupiter in Gaja-kesari yoga. In D9, Moon is in Meena where as Jupiter in Dhanu. Philosophical (Aquarius) bent of Mind (Moon) getting the power unsullied & exalted wisdom (Jupiter).
-- Lagna lord (Dhi) is in 9th with Kaivalya Karaka Ketu.
-- Dharma-Karmadhipati Yoga (Mercury & Venus) in 12th. Both the planets are powerful and well aspected in D9.
-- Lagna is occupied by exalted Mars, Lagna lord in 9th with ketu, Lagna is between all the unafflicted Shubh Grahas i.e. Jupiter+Moon & Mercury+Venus.
-- 4th lord Mars is exalted in Lagna aspects his own 4th Bhava (compare it with charts of Vivekananda & Aurobindo). No Need to explain his burning desire for the Motherland. He was Bold, Courageous, Natural leader, Ruthless for the enemies of India, best of friend for India’s well wishers, and as his one of the worst critic said “He is a Volcano surrounded by ice”.

By far the best thing happened for India is Unification of India (After Ashoka, India was never a Politically united country till 1950) and we must all rejoice in the fact that the lord, the originator of Gita, Shri Krushna chose him for the Himalayan task of Uniting India. As he & his able team started with their fourfold policy of Saam (Understanding) in case of kings of Utkal region & ended with Dand (Punishment) in Hyderabad.

Compare the above with the following facts.
He was a celebrated Karmyogi who sacrificed everything for the nation & her people. He took all the undue criticism, opposition, obstacles & even Malice from the likes of greats such as Rajaji, Jayprakash Narayan, Maulana Azad (All three publicly regretted their own wrong doing to him much after his death) & even Netaji. He took in his stride, the Un-popularity from press & some section of public because of his fight of Principles with the redoubtable Netaji Subhash. He Sacrificed the Historical honor of becoming first Prime minister of India due Gandhiji’s wishes and still didn’t make any fuss. (Unheard sacrifice in Political arena of any nation) only a TRUE PHILOSPHER, who has digested teachings of Gita, can live such a life which is extremely difficult. Most of just recite Bhagvad Gita where as he lived it in his life. Even the Scholar like K.M.Munshi, who was well versed with history, Veda & Gita often used to take solace in Sardar’s philosophically practical words of wisdom. To give an instance “Sardar had sent K.M.Munshi to work as political agent of Indian union to Hyderabad. He did wonderful untiring work in favor of India in those dangerous & hostile atmosphere created by Razakars in Hyderabad. He felt very very sad when our then PM even did not acknowledged his efforts. Felt dejected by such behavior of so called great man, He opened his heart to Sardar; Sardar removed his dejection instantly with these words – “Kanubhai, You know Gita very well so why get dejected? We have to just work for the sake of work, you did your bit for the nation with your all means and it should matter little to you if some big names admires it or not”

Vallabhbhai never bothered about word of praise or criticism from anybody yet following account tells real truth about him.

Maharshi Aurobindo, till his last days was interested in Indian politics. Though not actively involved, he always wanted to know about what Sardar is doing. He often used to send his Blessings to Vallabhbhai in the trying days of Partition & unification and Sardar too used often sought his blessings with faith. It is very interesting that the Realized Yogi, Original Thinker and a great Patriot went on to say on record - “Sardar Patel is the only powerful person in whole of this lot”. It seems to me that the true Yogi can only know the worth of the other real Karmayogi. It is very interesting fact that both the lights departed from India within a span of 10 days, when the greatest & most difficult of Tasks of Unification of India was achieved.
The Indians would have completely forgotten him if Kashmir also would have been under his office, but the Lord, The Krushna, wanted Indians to realize the worth of Sardar keeping the Kashmir issue unresolved & humiliation by China. Strange are the ways of Shri Krushna who purposely stopped him to become Prime Minister of India as the shrewdest Parthsarathy wanted to accomplish the unification from a most worthy disciple and also gave him the credit of swift & peaceful accomplishment of “Somanath Temple” (Originally worshipped by Shri Krushna) though, he didn’t live to see the final completion of it which is consistent with his accepted philosophy of Shri krushna “Work for the sake of work without desire of fruits”.

One more aspect of strength of his character – His wife died when he was 33. He never married after that. He had great control over his own self & never made any fuss about it. Mr. Khushwant singh (who made pubic, the scandals of many so called great men & women) had categorically said in India Today magazine - “Sardar had no women in his life” This could be a great tribute to his character which comes from a media great who never hesitated to speak truth about his own adventures.

Last quote from a very senior writer which just summarizes what category, Sardar Patel belonged to-
“There are four Extraordinary Statesmen, our recorded history of Aaarya Sanskruti has seen, who could NEVER HAVE BEEN FOOLED BY ANYBODY, they are Shri Krushna, Chanakya (Vishnugupt Mourya), Shivaji the great & Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel”

I can go on & on with Sardar, but I must stop here. The above glimpses of his life & work factually are in consistency with his Punya Chakra chart. I am not biased here but elated, very elated to finally convince my own self ASTROLOGICALLY that I am really blessed to have accepted him as my guru & loved him so dearly. Punya Chakra has justified my faith & love for him.

May the divine soul rest in peace with Lord Shri Krushna & Lord Somanath as in his final days on earth he used to often remain with following Bhajan, the final wish!
“Mangal Mandir kholo, Dayamay, Mangal Mandir Kholo...” meaning “Open the Temple, o kind god, open the temple…” and we see “Jupiter & Moon in 2nd where former is lord of 12th.


Final Notes on the article:

1) 8th house matters, 22nd drekkana, 6th house and related SINS, (Neej Dosha), Weaknesses of the nativities are not touched upon in this article. The reason is that I am not very clear about this aspect. It baffles me to see Mahatma Gandhi’s PC chart having 2 planets in 8th house where as 8th house in PC chart of Sanjay Gandhi & Indira Gandhi is empty. Looking at many charts it does stuck to me that it is much risky to judge the matter simply on the basis of occupation or otherwise of 8th house. However it is evident that the charts discussed of spiritual masters doesn’t have any planet in 7th or 8th house in contrast with those from political personalities who all (except Indira Gandhi & Sanjay Gandhi) are having planet(s) in 7th & 8th house. For common people, chances of transgression or troubles to other people are much lesser then the people in Politics, especially in Power. Their decision usually affect whole of the nation and their citizens some time for good or sometimes very adversely so they are in real trouble spot thus if a successful politicians/Statesman chart if found to be with Saintly traits then it must be real merit gained by him or her. But having said all these, we all know in our heart of hearts about our own Shad-Ripus (Six great enemy of Soul) and our wrong doing to others. It is better to refrain from judging thro’ 8th house & 6th house matters until true light is shed on the aspect and until I am successful in removing my own weaknesses.

2) Various Lokas are not discussed- This aspect is somewhat explained by Shri Robert Koch in his article in previous issue. This is also one of the areas which is unclear to me. Hence I have tried to focus on other factors which can give the hint about merits gained by soul. This factors such as Moon, Sun, Jupiter, 4th house etc. Were really found useful by me.

3) Research such as AK in PC, is still wide open to explore as well as all the other areas.

4) It is possible that readers may get confused with the contents of the article. If that is so, they are not to be blamed as it is an effort to understand mysterious area and could have gone haywire in the process. It is better for readers to take useful ideas and ignore the inconsistent or foolish one.

I sincerely thank Sanjay ji & Hari Mahalingam who inspired me to write this article.

At the end, again I seek the pardon of all the souls, whose PC charts are discussed, and sincerely pray to the lord for their ‘Sadgati’.

Jagadambarpanmastu !!!

2) Raman Maharshi's Punya Chakra

1) Thakur Ramakrishna's Punya Chakra

3) Swami Vivekananda's Punya Chakra

4) Swami Sivananda's Punya Chakra


6) A Spiritual Aspirant's Punya Chakra

16) Sardar Patel's Punya Chakra



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