Navamansha Strength of Grahas valid? Check out Punya Chakra!

Ashadhi Amaavasyaa is on at the moment..

I thought of giving here two "Punya-Chakra charts" of modern Himalayas of Spirituality, so that the high importance of "Navamaansha" (नवमांश -D9 Chart) is re-established in our knowledge & implementation of Jyotish shastra as a guiding "Jyoti" in darkness of future.

[Punya-Chakra is the chart of the moment of physical death of a being. we are normally not sure of the birth time of many celebrities and so also their inner purity and working of minds (especially in cases of highly acclaimed spiritual personalities), however, timings of physical deaths are normally accurately recorded due to their famous personalities and that can give fair idea of the development of a soul in question.

In the year 2006, I had done extensive research on "Punya Chakra Charts" of many famous personalities from various fields. my comprehensive article, which was published in Jyotish Digest (Jan 2007) is also available in this blog in this link >

Its important to state that knowledge is a continuous process and especially in the vast ocean like Jyotish shastra, my understanding is refined on the way and I may not entirely agree with my article written more than 8 years back

With this important background, I give here Punya Chakra charts of two spiritual giants of modern Bharat-varsh. They were indeed spiritual Himalayas! 1) Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa 2) Shri Ramana Maharshi

My whole purpose of these two charts is to draw attention of fellow jyotishas towards the importance of strength & weakness of Grahas in Navamansha Varga. These two charts are enough to establish the fact that Navamansha strength of Grahas is arguably the most important, or one of the most important strengths or weaknesses of Grahas. Navamansha is indispensable varga in assessment of any chart.

1) Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa's Punya-Chakra

Important Navamasha strength in the chart:
1) Surya (Sun) is exalted.
2) Lagna is vargottam.
3) Mangal/Kuja (Mars) is in own sign -Vrishchik/Scorpio.
4) Shukra (Venus) is Vargottam.
5) Ketu & Rahu (nodes) are Vargottam.

*Vargottam: When a Graha is placed in the same Rashi in a Lagna kundali and Varga Kundali, he assumes "vargottam" strength. Out of many varga charts, Navamansha (9th part) varga is considered most important in assessing the strength of grahas. To give an example, if a Graha is placed in Kumbha Rashi in main Lagna kundali as well as in Navamansha kundali, the graha is said to be in Vargottam strength and becomes powerful in delivering results.

2) Shri Ramana Maharshi's Punya-Chakra

Important Navamasha strength in the chart:
1) Surya (Sun) exalted & vargottam in Mesha/Aries (Uchha-Vargottam)
2) Chandra (Moon) in own rashi - Kark/Cancer
3) Mangal/Kuja (Mars) exalted - Makar/Capricorn
4) Budha (Mercury) exalted - Kanya/Virgo
5) Guru (Jupiter) in own rashi - Dhanu/Sagittarius
6) Shukra (Venus) Vargottam in Kumbha/Aquarious rashi
7) Shani (Shani) exalted - Tula/Libra

Additionally, in Navamansha varg chart, Lagna lord Shukra is in exchange with 5th lord Shani.
One can observe that in the 12th Bhav of Navamansha, which is also considered as the bhav of Mukti/Moksha, Mercury is exalted. 

It is note worthy that the sthir Atama-karaka Surya (Sun) is exalted in Navamansha of both punya chakras discussed in this short article.

Observe the extraordinary strength of Navamansha in these two charts. especially, the 2nd chart of Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi, wherein ALL 7 physical grahas are gaining strength in Navamansha varga! - 4 grahas in exaltation, 2 grahas are in own rashi and 1 graha is vargottam!

This rarest of rare Jyotish phenomenon is amazingly coinciding with the eye witness's (and many noticed the same) description at the exact moment of demise of Bhagwan's body:
"vividly-luminous shooting star with a luminous tail, unlike any shooting star I had before seen, coming from the South, moving slowly across the sky and, reaching the top of Arunachala, disappeared behind it."

These two Punya-Chakras are of immense value to those who passionately study vedic Jyotish Shastra and also heartwarming for all those minds who are sincere seekers of ultimate truth.  

|| ॐ नमो भगवते अरुणाचलरमणाय ||


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