॥Core Message of श्री रमणा महर्षी॥

While Jyeshtha Pournima (ज्येष्ठ पौर्णिमा) is on at the moment in the sky, got a trigger of providing a life altering link on this blog.

It carries translation of Shri Ramana Maharshi's core message in 26 languages.
Just a few pages of ultimate reading!!
महर्षी रमणा always used to insist that sincere spiritual seekers read this tiny booklet. It carries the very first and the core experiential knowledge he imparted to the world and used to frequently say that his complete message is capsuled in that work. Whatever elaborations & explanations done later are only for those who had difficulties in understanding the simple truth.

Lets also, with gratitude, think of invaluable contribution of those selfless seekers who translated this "final knowledge" in various languages and our heartfelt gratitude to Ramanasramam management for making it freely available to people.


Note: I did not find translation in 'Kashmiri' language. I am sure some Kashmiri spiritual seeker, who has understood and digested Ramana's message well, will takeup that..

While writing this, his auto message popped-up on my cell phone:

[Self-enquiry by following the clue of I-thought is just like the dog tracing his master by the scent. The master may be at some distant unknown place, but that does not stand in the way of the dog tracing him. To that scent the dog holds on undistractedly while searching for him, and finally it succeeds.]

My conviction:
आध्यात्म संपदा (spiritual treasure) of many thousand years- IS THAT UNSHAKABLE FOUNDATION PLATFORM- on which वैदिक संसक्रृती (Sanātan धर्म/Modern day Hinduism) in Bharat-varsh has developed, flourished and survived the onslaught of all devouring TIME.

॥ॐ श्री रमणार्पणमस्तु॥


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