Future of “Digital India” Program– Astrological perspective

How “Digital India” Program will fare? – Astrological perspective

Felt like seeing chart of ambitious “Digital India” initiative launched by our Prime Minister Shree Narendra bhai Damodardas Modi ji. The reasons of getting interested in this particular chart were:

1) Intuitively I felt that this could be what as they say-Paradigm shift-in context of our country’s digital technology area.

2) The event happening at the time of *extremely* Intimate conjunction of two GURUs i.e. Guru (Jupiter) and Shukracharya (Venus) in the space, also made me curious about it.  

 3) Anything which gives serious hope of technological development and ultimately assures of jobs and financial growth of people of my Nation, still makes me interested astrologically!

Let’s see if this “Digital India” can become one of the serious growth engines of our Nation in the huge area of Global Digital Market.

 Our “Honorable & highly respected world leader” PM Shri Narendra Modi ji (#presstitutes, #Libtards, #Cons, #AAPTards and all other enemies of our Nation, who keep insulting our PM and do not address him with due respect out of their deep rooted hatred, go and keep burning in the FIRE of hatred & jealousy or INTROSPECT) inaugurated the Digital India Event on 1st of July 2015 (Adhika Ashadh Pournima) at 15:53 PM at New Delhi (The moment when he inaugurated through a remote device)

The Chart is as under:

Let’s see the various astrological aspects of above chart in the context of “Digital Spectrum" (Information Technology, Mobile technology, Communication Networks, Electronic gadgets/goods manufacturing & export, Design facilities etc...) 

1) 1st and foremost is the rising Lagna. Its Tula (Libra). Tula, as the symbol suggests, is the sign of Trade and Balance. Lagna is in Nakshatra of Guru (3rd lord)

2) Venus is the Lagna Lord and he is also the planet who is one of the co-indicators of Digital Technology area. Digital technology is mostly aimed at comfort and pleasures and it’s based on creative illusion generated by Human. Hence Venus is one of the most important Graha devata for that. Because he is the Guru of Asuras and carries the required *knowledge*.

3) Mercury (Budh) is one equally important Graha (Karaka of Information Technology)

4) 3d House is specifically the indicator of “Information Technology” besides, it is also the house which indicates efforts/initiatives/actions/hands

5) Lagnesh Venus is in 10th (Most imp house of career/profession) along with 3rd lord Jupiter (Guru). This is THE noteworthy point! Shukra and Guru beautifully connects Lagna, 3rd and 10th house. All 3 most crucial houses when one looks at IT industries in a chart. Guru and Venus are also extremely close to each other (on the same degree). Meaning, both the wise Gurus (of Devas and Daanavaas) have come together and taken the charge (10th house placement) of the project. Who can stand in front of them?
6) This combination of two Gurus has happened in the Nakshatra of Budh (Mercury) who is the karaka of Information Technology.

7) Another eye catching and equally crucial factor in the above chart is the Moon (10th Lord) being placed in 3rd house and He has the “Parivartan” (exchange of Rashi) with 10th house Rashi. Thus, even the 2nd important reference Lagna i.e. Moon Lagna which is also the 10th house in the Rashi chart, is also deeply participating in this association of 1st, 3rd, 10th houses and their Lords too! And not to forget the fact that moon is THE FULL MOON of Pournima – 10th Lord is tremendously fortified!!

8) In Navamansha (D9), relevant grahas gain the crucial strength. In D9 Chart, there is a repeat of Guru+Shukra combination in 10th. Where in Shukra is exalted and Guru is in own house. Moon and Mars are exalted.

9) Param Yogakaraka for Tula Lagna i.e. Shani deva is palced in 2nd house of finance augurs very well for the finance/investment. This project will get enormous funding from various business and financial organizations. And Shani being retrograde and yogakaraka, it’ll ensure the effective usage of the funds and resources.

10) Combination of 11th Lord Sun, 2nd lord Mars in 9th (fortune) + Guru-Shukra combination in 10th Bhava + Yogakaraka Shani in 2nd Bhava aspected by 9th lord Mercury + Vasumati yoga (Only natural Shubh graha in Upchaya houses) are the *enormous* combination for *riches* (i.e. Financial success in the objectives) 

11) The factors described in point no 5 to 10 above are the IDEAL COMBINATIONS for a “Digital India”.

12) It is also interesting to note that, Guru will here act like Moon and vice-verse due to the Parivartna between the two. This means that this ambitious project will become wisdom driven (Guru) mass movement (Moon).

13) Challenges: Nodes are placed in 6th & 12th (Overt and covert enemies). 6th Lord Jupiter is exalted. These are the indicators of struggles, opposition and obstacles. In short, challenges! However, the fact that Jupiter is also the 3rd Lord and placed in 10th Bhava along with Lagna lord indicates that all the challenges will be overcome and they will be turned into opportunities.

Superimposition of the chart of “Digital India program” over the chart of “Independent India”

1) Mercury and Shani of Digital India chart seats on Lagna and 7th of Independence India Chart. Both planets are 2nd/5th lord and 9/10th lord of the later chart. This indicates “fortunate” combination for Independent India’s chart. Because 5th and 9th lord are the trines lords (Lakshmi Bhavas)

2) Venus and Jupiter seats on 3rd house. But as indicated earlier, the Jupiter will act like Moon due to Parivartna yoga, this combination actually becomes Lagna lord+3rd Lord combination in 3rd house for Independent India’s chart.

3) 3rd lord in India's independent chart is Moon which is natural karaka of people in democracy and being 3rd lord, it functionally handles IT sector. 3rd house is also heavily loaded with 4 planets in the chart which has bestowed our modern Nation with Natural IT talent in abundance through her people! One of the most delightful point is that the same Moon, who is thus 'The planet of IT' for our country's chart, is - a) 10th lord & placed in 3rd house b) Pournima's Moon i.e. FULL & not afflicted by either Saturn or Rahu/Ketu c) Having Parivartan (exchange of house) with 3rd lord Jupiter - in the Chart of Digital India.

Conclusion: The “Digital India” program is indeed going to be the historic and path changing initiative for future Digital superpower India. After initial struggles of 4 years, the initiative will start showing its fruits and gain the enormous momentum from the beginning of 2019 (Start of Venus Mahadasha of 20 years). This program will be a major contributor in changing the “fortune” of our Nation in next 2 decades as far as Jobs, Income growth of citizens, GDP Growth, knowledge database, Communication, IT initiatives, Global share in Digital goods manufacturing. This program will become one of the crowning glories of this MODI headed BJP Government and I have no hesitation in saying that it’ll significantly contribute in victory of BJP in 2019 May and making NaMo the PM of Bharat for the 2nd Term…

|| Om Vishwakarmaarpanamastu ||


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