It's योगासन (योग-आसन) - Yogāsana
ॐ ऋषीभ्यो नम: "योगक्षेमम् वहाम्यहम्" : श्री क्रृष्ण in भग्वद् गीता Yoga (योग) means "To Unite/Union". The worldwide celebration of first International Yoga (योग) day, as declared by UNO, is on 21st June 2015. Only a couple of days away! I thought of writing brief bullet points to clear some misconceptions, misinformation and misunderstandings on so called "Yoga". I have taught 'Yogāsans' to my colleagues in Dubai. They belonged to various nationalities (Indians. Pakistanis, Germans, English, Irish, Jordanian, Egyptian, Iranian, Palestinian etc...). After interacting with them i have come to know of several misconceptions due to lack of right information. For E.g. a certain colleague was under false impression that Yoga was from Chinese culture! I did try my best to clear their doubts, which were mainly out of misinformation, whenever i got chance. Let me put it here some important points in brief for the benefit of interes...