श्री राम मंदिर Praan Pratishtha Muhurt Vichar - Jyotish perspective

 श्री गणेशाय नम:

॥जय सियाराम॥

श्री राम मंदिर प्राण प्रतिष्ठा मुहूर्त विचार

श्रीराम परिवार

After nearly 5 centuries of कलियुग वनवास, 496 years to be precise, राम मंदिर गर्भगृह is ready to welcome प्रभु श्री रामचंद्र at his जन्मस्थान.

The day and the time are finalized by HIM which is पौष शुक्ल द्वादशी, विक्रम सम्वत-२०८०, सोमवार. Around 12:29/30 in the noon at Ayodhya Dham when Surya dev will be shining bright exactly over the गर्भगृह of the राम मंदिर with all his glory!

As per the Gregorian calendar, the day is 22nd of January 2024.

Like we experienced during the Bhoomi Poojan muhurt, we are also seeing the same kind of skepticism, doubts and deliberate apprehensions from certain usual negative lot. We are however, not concerned with them. Like in the article on Bhoomi Poojan muhurt (Ram Mandir Bhoomi Poojan Muhurt - Jyotish Analysis (punyaprakop.blogspot.com), this article also aims at my offerings to the lotus feet of माता सीता and भगवान रामचंद्र. Not having an iota of doubt that this Muhurt is chosen by Hanuman ji himself, I wish to immerse myself in the divine configurations and derive the bliss of the supremely auspicious Muhurt. I have full faith and confidence that the readers will also be convinced of the extraordinary auspiciousness of the chosen Muhurt.

Rashi Lagna and नवांश Kundalis are provided in the picture below:

Picture: Lagna Rashi and Navamansha of proposed प्राण प्रतिष्ठा Muhurt

The divine and auspicious configurations are listed as under in the context of a Dharmik occasion.

1. Vaar Adhipati (Lord of the weekday) is Chandra and he is exalted in the Vrishabh Rashi as the 4th Bhavesh placed in 2nd bhav of resources. The Bhavesh of Chandra, i.e. Shukra, is placed in 9th Rashi of Dharma along with Lagnesh Mangal.

-The Chandra is the 9th Bhavesh in Navamansha and associates with the Bhavesh Mangal of Navamansha Lagna.

-Shukra, dispositor of Chandra in Rashi chart, is in his own rashi Vrishabh aspecting the Navamansha lagna.

-In Navamansha, Karmaadhipati Surya mutually aspects Chandra-Mangal combination from the 5th bhav creating the auspicious connection among Lagna, Bhagya and Karma bhavas in Navamansha. Surya is in turn aspected by exalted Guru in Navamansha from the 9th Bhav and thus adding the connection of Dharma-Bhagya Bhav too.

These configurations in Navamansha further strengthens the already strong Chandra in the muhurt.

2. Lagna is of Mesha Rashi, a movable sign. However, more importantly, the lagna in Navamansha is Vrishchik which is a fixed rashi. Thus, Navamansha lagna provides stability to the muhurt because the Praan Pratishtha is purely a Dharm kaarya and Navamansha, being the 9th amsha varg of Dharma, is even more dominating in such events. One can refer to my article on Bhoomi Poojan and understand the importance of Navamansha. Intriguingly, in this muhurt, Rashi Lagna and Navamansha are both of Mangal who is a Bhoomi-putra! Further interesting is that Mesha Rashi and Vrishchik rashi, though belong to Mangal, they have different characteristics (svabhav) and thus when they associate for a common goal, they become perfectly complimentary (Poorak) to each other! To give a fitting example – The Prime-minister Shree Narendra Modi and Home-minister Shree Amit Shah are Vrishchik and Mesha Chandra Rashi persons respectively. I don’t need to further elaborate on this. :-)

3. When Guru is placed in Lagna, it removes many doshas in a muhurt. In this muhurt under discussions, the Guru, as the 9th Bhavesh of Dharma, Bhaagya, divine guidance, is placed in the Lagna. Further adding to this powerful auspicious configuration, the 9th Bhavesh Guru in Lagna is in Parivartan yog (exchange) with the lagnesh Mangal! i.e. Lagnesh Mangal is placed in the 9th bhav of Dharma. Further adding to the auspiciousness, is the Abhijeet Muhurt. Thus, the auspiciousness and strength of the muhurt are in abundance.

4. The Guru in Navamsnha is in exalted rashi and 9th bhav. This is like अमृत-वर्षा on the Muhurt of praan-pratishtha!

5. Adhipati of Rashi Lagna and Navamansha, i.e. Mangal is attaining highly powerful Maha Yogada status as it gets associated with Rashi Lagna, Gatee Lagna (GL) and Hora Lagna (HL).

6. The Navamansha Lagn kundali has all the three Trik bhavas, i.e. 6th, 8th and 12th are vacant which is an auspicious sign in any muhurt.

7. In Bhav-chalit kundali, 5th Bhavesh Surya shifts to 9th Bhav and joins Lagna Bhavesh Mangal. Thus creating auspicious connections among all the three Trikon (Lakshmi) sthanas (1st, 5th and 9th). Similarly, the Shukra also shifts to the 8th bhav and thus strengthening the 9th Bhav further (Shukra strengthen the next Bhav from where he is placed.)

8. Chandra and Lagna adhipati Mangal are free from influences of natural and functional malefic grahas -Shani, Rahu, and Ketu- in the Rashi as well as Navamansha kundali which adds to the auspiciousness of the Muhurt considerably.

9. The Badhaka co-lord Rahu is relegated to the 12th Bhav of losses. It indicates that the hidden inimical forces (i.e. 12th Bhav) indicated by Rahu (Malechhas and people of Rakshas pravritti) wouldn’t be able to harm Ram Mandir even though they would keep desiring and working for it.

10. Exalted Chandra in 2nd Bhav, Own bhav placed Shani in 11th Bhav, Bhagya Bhavesh Guru in Lagna bhav, Lagnesh in 9th Bhav along with 2nd Bhavesh Shukra.

In Navamansha, 2nd bhavesh Guru is exalted in 9th bhav. 9th Bhavesh Chandra is placed in 11th bhav along with Lagnesh Mangal creating Lakshmi yog with the involvement of all Lakshmi Bhavas in Navamansha as indicated earlier.

These configurations indicate abundance of wealth! The राम मंदिर 🛕 will become one of the few richest Devasthans on the earth! Over a period, it’ll become the richest of all in wealth. The mandir is destined to attain Ashtalakshmi-Aishvarya!

11. In Navamansha, Guru is in exaltation, Shukra, Shani and Rahu are in own bhav. Thus 4 Grahas in rashi strength.

12. The Muhurt day has 3 auspicious yogas – Amrut Sidhhi, Sarvarth Sidhhi and Ravi yog. (Ravi yog can be only considered if the 28th nakshatra i.e. Abhijeet Nakshatra is considered).

I bow my head with utmost reverence to the ज्योतिषाचार्य श्री गणेश्वर शास्त्री द्रविड़ जी of Kāshi who was chosen by Hanumān ji to derive this Muhurtam of the yug parivartankāri moment!

The above 12 points cover many configurations within them amply indicating the abundance of auspiciousness and divinity soaked in the Muhurt selected. Even if I try hard, I cannot locate a noteworthy negative influence, and to be honest, I want to look for only auspiciousness in this particular Muhurt. I am fully, devotedly biased towards the Muhurt and yet, no one’ll be able to find faults in the configurations stated in the above 12 points.

My dear Hindus, this is the most auspicious Muhurtam and I have conviction that the बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम् हनुमानजी ji alone could have chosen such an auspicious one! I am reminded of our Puranas wherein it is mentioned that when the birth of an Avatar is to take place, all Grahas and Nakshatras become “अनुकूल” (comply to the auspiciousness). This Muhurt is a glorious proof of the truth in that proclamation of our Shaastras.

Kindly do not give attention to any negativity anywhere on the topics around श्री राम मंदिर. Close your ears and eyes to all the evil noises around and just immerse your body, mind and heart in the ocean of bliss of सियाराम’s home coming day that has arrived after the struggle and sacrifices of 500 long years of generations of Hindus!

My heartfelt and दंडवत् प्रणाम to ALL who sacrificed their lives in these 5 centuries and who worked towards the realizing of the common goal of श्री राम मंदिर at the अयोध्या धाम.

This is the moment of युग परिवर्तन and we are the most blessed generation of Hindus of past 5 centuries! रामराज्य is going to be the reality with CIOJ has already prepared/preparing the strong foundation for the next 1000 years. We’ll soon see Mahadev coming to Kashi to end the 355 year-long waits of Nandi Maharaj and Shree Krishna coming to Mathura.

जय श्री राम! हरे कृष्ण! हर हर महादेव!

॥श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम॥

॥ॐ श्री रमणार्पणमस्तु॥


  1. Jai Jai Shri Ram 🥰🪷🪷🙏🏿🙏🏿

  2. Great analysis.Good job.

  3. Jai Shri Ram 🙏

    Please come back on Twitter...

    Kind Regards

  4. Very happy to hear from you Sir

  5. जय श्री राम


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