Ram Mandir Bhoomi Poojan Muhurt - Jyotish Analysis

॥श्री गणेशाय नम:॥
॥जय सियाराम॥

श्री राम मंदिर is now going to be the reality at Ayodhya ji after nearly 500 years. After the Supreme Court of India gave the verdict in complete favor of Hindus on 9th of September 2019, "Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra" has finalized the 5th of August, 2020 as the day for Bhoomi Poojan and formal start of construction of what would be the most glorious Hindu Temple in the world.
"Shree Ram Mandir at Ayodhya" is very close to hearts of many crores of Hindus residing in Bharat and else where. I am no exception, rather I am connected to this blessed event through a Jyotish prediction i had made back in 2014 and reiterated again in 2017. I am not ashamed to boast on this prediction and consider it as the crowning glory of my Jyotish journey and at the same time it is offered at the lotus feet of Bhagwan Ram, the "Praan" of Bharat Varsh. 

Both predictions (done in 2014 and in 2017) can be found in this link:

Let me go straight to the objective of this article (going to be quite lengthy and technical). As mentioned earlier, the date for the Bhoomi Poojan and Shila Nyas is finalized on 5th of August, Wednesday. As per the Hindu Panchang, it is Shraavan Krishn Dwitiya, Vikram Samvat 2076. (I traditionally follow Amaant definition of Hindu month and New year at Kartik Shukl Pratham).

This being a momentous occasion, epoch-making in my personal opinion, is understandably put under scrutiny. There are views coming from few sections that this Muhurt is not auspicious and hence unsuitable for Bhoomi Pujan of Ram Mandir. Few articles are written and shared on SM platform like Twitter. Even TV News have picked up this issue and it seems, as usual, the Muhurt matter is politicized.

Initially i did not want to go into this as I am of firm conviction that things are happening exactly as per Bhagwan Shree Ramachandra's Will, however, i changed my mind and decided to scrutinize the Muhurt using Jyotish Shastra principles to check out the worth of the controversy, aspersions and politicization of this event. Also, my intentions are to put up a scholarly article to satisfy myself and others who are in doubts and worried about the Muhurt of our beloved Ram Mandir.

The possible muhurt chart is given below:
Shraavan Krishna Dwitya, Vikram Samvat 2076 (Gujarati Panchang).
5th August 2020, 12:15:15 at Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, Bharat.
Lagna - Tula, Nakshatra (Moon) - Shatabhisha (1st pada), Rashi - Kumbha, Yog - Shobhan, Karan -Garija.

There are two practical aspects i would like to point out beforehand for the benefit of readers.
- It is an important and beneficial aspect of Muhurt Shastra that if Muhurt lagna, Moon and important Bhavas are fortified, it mitigates many of panchang doshas and makes a Muhurt strong.
- To arrive at completely flawless Muhurt is nearly impossible considering limitations of it's application in the practical world and thus, a Jyotish Pandit has to judiciously weight strength and weaknesses to elect a Muhurtam.  

Let me point out the features of the proposed Muhurt chart:
1) Weekday Lord, Mercury, who is also lord of 9th (&12th) is powerfully placed in the 10th Bhav. Thus one of the important considerations of Muhurt Shastra, i.e. "Vaar lord" is fortified in the chart.

2) Tula Lagna and 7th bhav are vacant. Lagna is aspected by Shani who is a Param Yog Karaka in Tula lagna by the virtue of his 4th and 5th bhav ownership. Shnai is powerful being placed in own 4th Bhva and having retrogression strength.

3) LL Shukra is in Dharma Bhva along with exalted Rahu who is the 5th co-lord. This generates a powerful yog of 1st & 5th lord combination in 9th Bhav. Rahu, though a natural malefic & malechha karak, it is a great friend of Shukra (Venus).

4) LL Shukra is in mutual aspect of 3rd bhav placed Guru-Ketu in Dhanu.
Note: Strong connection of LL Shukra, Guru, Rahu-Ketu and 9th bhav in this chart indicates strong relation of Malechha. Guru, Shukra and Rahu combination in 9th Bhav of Navamansha also reinforces that which is actually the reality of past 500 years!
Rahu is defeated in the Grah-Yudhha if you are from the opinion that Nodes participate in Grah-Yudhha.
4) 9th Lord Mercury placed in 10th with Sun in mutual aspect of PYK Shani generating another auspicious Yog of 4th/5th and 9th lord.
5) Prabal Maraka Mars (lord of 2nd and 7th) is placed in the best possible bhav i.e. 6th. Such a powerful Mars is capable of destroying all the inimical forces that will come in the way of Ram Mandir.

6) 8th and 12th Bhavas are vacant is quite a welcome feature of this chart. It is also repeated in Navamansha chart wherein 8th bhav is empty.

7)  LL of Rashi chart i.e. Shukra and LL of Navamansha i.e. Guru have both joined in 9th bhav in Navmansha whereas in Rashi chart they both are in strong mutual aspect and influencing 9th bhav. This is a striking feature considering the whole muhurt is in relation to the Dharm Bhav i.e. Ram Mandir.
Dominance of Guru, Shukra and Mars (with 4th drashti in main chart) shows the dominance of Hindu Dharma in this Muhurtam wherein Rahu maharaj have no choice but to co-operate in the Dharma and he is also willing! :)
Note: Guru and Shukra (Venus) both are Purohit Brahmanas by Varn and Karm.

8) Nearly full moon is powerful and placed in 5th bhav in Kumbha - a Sthir rashi. Taking Moon as a reference, Moon Lagna Co-lord Rahu goes to 9th with 5th lord Shukra and aspected by Guru. Thus the Dharma bhav feature of Lagna chart is exactly repeated in the Moon chart.

9) Moon is alone but hemmed between Shani and Mars generating Paap kartari. However, as Shani is vakri (retrograde) and Mars is margi (forward), the paap kartari yog is considerably weakened. besides, Moon is completely free of association as well as aspect of any Graha. All this has rendered the Moon (10th lord), a very important aspect of any chart, quite powerful. 
10) I would touch upon "Rahu Kalam" which is extremely popular in South of our country and now also becoming popular in central and northern part.
This Muhurtam is under Rahu Kal and this has become a major worry, matter of fear and contest. IMO, Rahu Kalam is NOT always damaging and destructive. I'll provide a couple of examples of it.
- Election Commission of India had announced all important 2019 General Election schedule exactly during Rahu kalam.
- Shri Narendra Modi filed his nomination in 2019 during Rahu Kalam.
People were worried on Twitter during both these events and i had assured them on that platform that there is nothing to worry. Rahu will help Modi ji and our country as he is auspicious in birth charts of NaMo and modern Bharat. The same happened.
Why Rahu Kalam did not damage the prospects of Modi ji and why the whole gigantic & complex Election process was conducted smoothly? because Rahu is extremely powerful and Yogkarak in NaMo's chart. Also, during that period, Rahu had just started its transit through his exaltation sign Mithun.
Now coming back to our Muhurt chart, like NaMo, Rahu is the 5th lord and good natural friend of LL Shukra. Rahu is exalted in 9th Bhav along with Shukra and in direct aspect of Guru. With these arguments put forth, i have no doubt that this Muhurt in Rahu kalam is not a disaster but on the contrary, it will prove to be a great blessing! As if Asur Rahu has happily taken Bhagwan Ram's work upon himself.

11) Thoughts on Lagna: I would have wished Lagna to be "Fixed" (Sthir) in this Muhurtam. Obviously because Bhoomi pujan is best done in Fixed sign lagna. Last April could have been the month of Bhoomi Poojan but it was all spoiled due to Covid-19 situation. In present times, Kubha Lagna is not an option as one co-lord Shani will be in 12th from Lagna. I would never chose Scorpio as a Muhurt being a 8th bhva of Kal-Purusha and loss of Dharma being in 12th from the 9th of Kal-Purusha.
Simha lagna is also not advisable presently as the lord Sun will come in the 12th from Lagna.
Vrishabh lagna would mean Muhurt at the midnight which is unacceptable by any standards.

We can't lose time any further and wait for Chaturmas to end because then Rahu will come in Vrishabh which will be in Lagna of modern Bharat. This must be avoided! Rahu's transit from Lagna bhav is totally avoidable scenario.

I also have a feeling that we are in realistic danger at the boarder where things can escalate into conflict with China in coming weeks or months. With all these prevailing situation, time-window with the decision making authorities is now limited and thus "Fixed" Lagna sign isn't feasible. In such circumstances, Tula Lagna fits the bill quite wonderfully. The flurry of auspicious yogas and fortification of Lagna as well as Moon will nullify the disadvantage of movable lagna.

Added on 1.Aug.2020:
I realized an extremely important phenomena only now. In Navmansha (D9), Lagna is in a Dual & shubh sign Meen. In D9 chart, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Mangal, Budh, Rahu & Ketu are all placed in Fixed signs. Surya & Chandra are in Dual while none in movable sign. We known well that राम मंदिर is a matter of Navamansha (D9) chart at the micro level and hence this configuration of 7 grahas in Sthir rashi and none in Chalit rashi completely overcomes the weakness of Moveable D1 Lagna. I bow to भगवान राम for revealing this subtle matter to me. 🙏🏿🛕

Conclusion 1: The Muhurt chart is doubtlessly strong and auspicious. I am highly satisfied with it. Strengths and auspiciousness of the configurations by far outweighs the weaknesses. Weaknesses are marginal whereas strengths are many. 
After analyzing the Muhurt chart, let me now list out the traditional Muhurt parameters. I'll put the Muhurtam on the Test-Bench of 19 Maha Doshas which are generally agreed upon by all classics like Brihat Samhita. I have mentioned [PASS] if the Muhurt in question passes the parameter test and [FAIL] if the Muhurt fails. I have used Dr B V Raman's book on Muhurtam here.   

 1) Pachang Shuddhi: [PASS]
    Tithi: Krishna Dwitiya [PASS] - (Tithis - 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, Pournima and Amaas - needs to be avoided)
    Vaar: Budhvar [PASS] (Budhvar, Guruvar, Shukravar are shubh to select in Muhurt. Somvar is good      provided Transit Moon is in waxing. Mangalvar and Shanivar needs to be avoided)
    Nakshatra: Shatabhisha [PASS] (Bharani, Krittika, last part of Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Revati should     be avoided. Shatabhisha Nakshatra is "Param Mitra" with relation to Bhagwan Ram's birth Nakshatra     i.e. Punarvasu)
    Yog: Shobhan [PASS] (Atigand, Shool, Vyatipat and Vaidhriti Yog are inauspicious in Muhurtam)
    Karan: Garija [PASS]
    Panchak: Mrityu panchak [FAIL]

 2) Surya Sankranti: [PASS]
     (About 6 hours 24 Minute time before and after Sun's entry in to a Rashi should be rejected)

 3) Paap Kartari Dosh: [PASS]
     (Lagna should not be hammed between two Evil Grahas which damages the Muhurt)

 4) Dosh of Moon in 6/8/12 from Lagna: [PASS]
     (Moon's placement in 6th, 8th or 12th from Lagna should be invariably avoided/rejected)

 5) Sagrah Chandra Dosh: [PASS]
     (Moon's association with any other Graha should be avoided. i.e. Moon should be alone in a Bhav)

 6) Ubhayaast Shudhhi: [PASS]
     (Lagna, 7th, LL, 7th lord and Navamansha lords should be placed favorably. Basically Lagna and           7th Bhav or lords should not be afflicted) 

 7) Durmuhurt : [FAIL]
     (ON Wednesday, 5th August 2020, Durmuhurt runs from 11:41 to 12:33 at Ayodhya. This is because      of Wednesday coinciding with Abhijit Muhurt)

 8) Gandaantara: [PASS]
     Muhurt is free of Tithi, Rashi as well as Nakshatra Gandaant Dosh. 
     (The last 2 ghatis - 48 minutes -of the 5th, 10th and 15th (Full Moon) and the first 2 ghatis of the           6th, 11th and 1st (dark half) lunar days go under tithi gandaantara and they should be rejected for all      new works.
     Similarly, the last 2 degrees of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and the first 2 degrees of Leo, Sagittarius      and Aries are inauspicious.
     The last ghatis of Aslesha, Jyeshta, Moola, Revati and Aswini and the first four ghatis of Makha             should be avoided as injurious for good work.) 

 9) Bhrigu Shatak : [PASS]
     (The position of Shukra in 6th damages the prosepect of Muhurt chart as it is the Maran Karak bhav      for Shukracharya)

 10) Ashtam Mangal : [PASS]
     (Mars should not be palced in the 8th Bhav of a Muhurt chart is highly destructive. In fact 8th bhav         of any muhurt chart needs to be vacant. Muhurt chart of bhoomi Poojan on 5th August has this         feature in Lagna chart as well as in Navamansha chart)

 11) Ashtam Lagna Dosh : [PASS]
     (Muhurt Lagna should not be 8th from Lagna bhav of Jatak. I considered consider Shree Rama's chart and Modern Bharat's chart and with reference to both, Muhurt Lagna does not have this dosh)

 12) Rashi Vishghatika (Lagna Tyajya) Dosh : [PASS]
     (Only talking of Tula Lagna  - Middle half gatis of Tula Lagna, i.e. 13 degree 30 min to 16 degree 30       min period should be rejected. Bhoomi Poojan Muhurt Lagna will be on 19th degrees)

 13) Malefic Navamansha Dosh : [PASS]
     (Muhurt Lagna should not fall in malefic navamansha. In Bhoomi Poojan Muhurt chart, Lagna                Navamasha is in Meena (Guru) thus it is a Shubh Navamansha

 14) Vaar (Week day) Dosh : [PASS]
     (Tuesday and Saturday are to be avoided for any auspicious work. However, Tuesday can be selected      after midday)

 15) Grahan Utpaat Dosh : [PASS]
     (The Nakshatra in which recently Grahan happened should be rejected in Muhurt)

 16) Kroor Samyukt Dosh : [PASS]
     (The constellation occupied by the Sun at a given moment and the one immediately preceding and          succeeding it have to be deemed unpropitious for all good work)

 17) Prakriti Sanket : [PASS]
     (If there is out of season rain fall and Thunders, such day should be deemed unfit for any good work)

 18 & 19) Mahapaat and Vaidhruti Dosh : [PASS]
     (Days of Vyatipaat and Vaidhruti Yog should be rejected. However, these evil yogas become defunct      after midday so such days can be selected for muhurt after midday provided other parameters are          favorable)

Conclusion-2: It can be seen clearly that Bhoomi poojan Muhurt of 5th August 2020, overwhelmingly passes the elaborated Muhurt test! except Panchak and Durmuhurt Doshas, all other Maha Doshas are avoided. Further to that, w.r.t. specific foundation activity, Shraavan month, Dwitiya Tithi, Shatabhisha Nakshatra, Moon in Fixed sign and Sun in movable sign (fixed is ideal and dual sign is prohibited) are all conducive factors.  

Final Conclusion:
By detailed assessment of the Muhurt with two way approach and conclusions-1&2 derived thereof, it is quite clear (Astro)logically that the Muhurt on 5th August is quite auspicious for the start of Ram Mandir construction activities. The glorious and unmatched Ram Mandir will be completed quickly in the planned time frame. Most probably by 2023 end or 2024 start. We all, the ultra-fortunate generation of Hindus, will witness the Sanatan glory being reclaimed after 5 Centuries! Dhanyosmi!

PS: Influence of Mars on Lagna and LL Shukra and placement in 6th gave me feeling of Hanuman ji taking the Muhurt in his divine hands! The Marak power of Mangal won't harm the Lagna due to the fact that this is the work of Hanuman ji's Ishta! No need to propitiate Mars here in this unique case. It'll do only the Mangal.

Written after the Bhoomi Poojan (on 5th August 2020):
Now that Bhoomi Poojan is done. The exact time noted is 12:44:08.
The Navamansha changes to Vrishabh, a Sthir  (Fixed) Sign.

Lagna and 7 Grahas are in Sthir Rashi, Sun and Moon in Dwi-swabhavi (Dual) rashi and no graha is in chal (movable) rashi.

Mandir is the matter related to 9th Bhav and hence Navamansha is of double importance for this work.
Overwhelming influence of Fixed Rashis and zero influence of Movable Rashis shows the strongest possible foundation is laid for Ram Mandir. This singular factor is enough and veto-like that will ensure that the Ram Mandir built over this foundation Muhurt will stand for many many centuries to come. i can't say for how many centuries, but the overwhelming influence of fixed signs are indicative of unshakable Adhaar. It is very rare feature to have such a powerful influence of Fixed signs in a Navamansha chart.

As i said earlier, Muhurt (Grahas, Nakshatras, Lagna, Panchang etc) adjusts itself in Shri Ram's work.
Navamansha Lagna along with 7 Grahas adjusting themselves in various fixed Rashis is an undeniable proof of the conviction.
The Ram Mandir coming up after struggles of 500 years would remain for eternity.    

श्री राम राम रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे।
सहस्त्रनाम तत्तुल्यं राम नाम वरानने॥

श्री रामार्पणमस्तु


  1. Sir Maandi and Gulika both riding in ascendant
    Sagittarius and Pisces ruled by Guru
    Are tithi shoonya rashi for this day
    So Guru not very powerful and benefic
    Most important moon star and lagna star lord Rahu in Mithuna with Sukra aspected by Mars,Guru ,Ketu and in Mithuna ,which is 8th to Modiji natal moon, that is Modiji 8th house affliction on that day,also Sun though cannot help it in Jala Rasi and Mercury combust with it

  2. Shri Ram Darbar is a divine depiction of Lord Ram, his wife Sita, brother Lakshman, and devotee Hanuman. This sacred representation holds immense significance in Hinduism, symbolizing righteousness, devotion, and the ideal family bond. Lord Ram embodies dharma (virtue), while Sita reflects purity and devotion. Lakshman represents loyalty, and Hanuman is the epitome of devotion and strength. The Shri Ram Darbar serves as an inspiration to live a virtuous and devoted life, fostering values like love, respect, and commitment. Worshipping this divine assembly brings peace, blessings, and harmony into one’s life, guiding devotees on the path of righteousness.
    Visit at:- https://www.cottage9.com/blog/shri-ram-darbar-a-reflection-of-ideal-family-values/


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