॥श्री गणेशाय नमः॥

॥ॐ नमो भगवते श्री रमणाय॥


Let me first try to assess the Oath chart of Shri Narendra Modi ji, the PM of Bharat.

Oath details:

Jyeshtha Shukla Chaturthi, Vikam Samvat 2081

9th of June 2024

19:23:15 (7:23:15 Evening) at New Delhi, Bharat.

Figure-1 - Oath chart of Modi ji as the PM for the 3rd time

Figure-2 - Compressed Vimshottari Dasha of Oath chart of Modi ji as the PM for the 3rd time

Figure-3 - Compressed Char Dasha of Oath chart of Modi ji as the PM for the 3rd time

The Grahas, Rashi, Bhaava, Nakshatra, Navamaansha and Dasha details are in the above screen shots of the oath chart.

Note: In Bhaava chalit, Mangal shifts to 5th Bhaava and joins Rahu. Guru shifts to 6th Bhaava and Moon shifts to the 8th Bhaava (All these Grahas changes the Bhaava, but their Rashi placements should be considered as original.

Features of the oath Kundali:

1.   Vrishchik Lagna is aspected by Lagna Adhipati Mangal, Guru, Shani, Budha, Shukra as well Surya. When Lagna is aspected by Lagnaadhipati, Guru (Brihaspati) and Budha, it generates a high level of Rajayoga. Taking the chalit state, Lagna Bhaava is fortified by the Lagnaaadhi yoga albeit to a lesser degree. Guru in 6th, Budha-Shukra in 7th and Moon in 8th. As the yoga is constituted only in chalit and the Chandra’s position is in Marana Kaaraka Sthaana (8th Bhaava), the Yoga is not of much use. However, Chandra shifting to 8th Bhava in chalit also suggests the loss of obstacles as the 9th Bhaava is the Baadhaka bhaava for the lagna and 12th from it is the loss of baadhaa.


2.      7th bhaava has 4 grahas aspecting Lagna including the 7th Adhipati shows the formidable importance of the associates in MODI 3.0 government. As 7th is the 10th from the 10th Bhaava, it shows secondary bhaava of the central power. That also adds to the importance of associates of the BJP in the government.


3.    As many as 7 Grahas (Mangal, Guru, Budha, Shukra, Surya, Shani and Rahu) aspect Lagna directly whereas Ketu is the Lagna co-adhipati along with Mangal makes it in total of 8 grahas directly influencing the Lagna! This is an unusually rare feature and makes the Lagna extraordinarily powerful and under the constant focus.


4.      The PM is indicated by the two Lagna Adhipatis, Mangal and Ketu, are placed in 6th and 11th Bhaava respectively. Mangal shifts to the 5th Bhaava in chalit. It is to be noted that neither of the co-adhiapatis is associated with the 7th Bhaava. Mangal in the 6th Bhaava is intending to growth, struggles against overt enemies, overcoming/undercutting influence of the associates (12th from 7th) and at the same time silently preparing to dissolve the assembly (joining Rahu by shifting to 5th which is 8th from the 10th).  With the other aspect, which is of Ketu, the co-lagnesh, cooperates with the associates sitting in the position of gains.


5.   Mangala also shows direct and visible enemies and being placed in own Rashi Mesha in the 6th Bhaava indicates formidable and troubling strength of enemies/opposition. At the same time Mangal shifting to the 12th from 6th and joining Rahu also indicates losses inflicted upon the enemies. It also indicates the relentless and fiery (Mangal joining Rahu) pursuits of the toxic opposition in ending the power of this government (8th from the 10th). Parivartan between 5th and 6th adhipatis in chalit confirms the situation.


6.   7th Bhav is also one of the two Maaraka Bhaavas, the other being the 2nd Bhaava. 7th Bhaava carries both Maaraka adhipatis i.e. Guru and Shukra. The 8th Bhav adhipati Budha (Mercury) who denotes life span, is going in the 12th from his own bhaava and placed in the Maaraka bhaava. The 10th adhipati of the power, Surya, is also thus afflicted by Budha and Shukra in the Maaraka Bhaava. Thus, along with granting the stability in Vrishabha, the Grahas are also indicating less than Poornaayushya (life span less than 5 years of full tenure).


7.   Shani is Malefic for the chart from the reference of Lagna as well as Chandra. He has gained strength by assuming Kumbha placement in Kendra and aspecting 10th and Lagna Bhava. From the Chandra, he is placed in the 8th. Thus, Shani is in a position of posing relentless challenges to the government on the boarder-security issue and internal home affairs. Shani aspects Mangal in the 6th and at the same time Shani-Mangal has joined in Navamaansha are significant configurations with reference to the security agencies including Army. Kaahala yoga additionally confirm it as it shows government taking bold steps and not shying away from the attacking approach towards external enemies.


8.    Dhanakaaraka grahas and the grahas having wealth portfolios in the chart, i.e. Guru (2nd 5th adhipati), Budha (11th and 8th adhipati), Chandra (9th Adhipati) and Shukra have gained strength in Rashi as well as Navamaansha.


9.      Strong Mangal coming in direct contact with strong Shani not just shows intense military and police activities but also indicate remarkable steps for farmers especially when the chart has Kedaara yoga.


10.  Rahu in the 5th is already showing troubles and agitation in the academic front due to NEET exam challenges. Also, Rahu in the Meena indicates (influences) the followers/supporters of this government as well as the younger generation.

There are many more things that can be added to it, however, to not make it too lengthy and further complicated, I just gave most important configurations and several indications thereof.

To summarize, I can say that the MODI 3.0 is going to be a roller coaster ride for the BJP government and the PM (& his core team).

Let me provide the pointers in short and succinct way.

1.    MODI 3.0 (read BJP) is most likely going to be successful in the first biggest political challenge and floor test on 26th June 2024 when selecting the “Speaker” of the House. The PM will be successful in showing that his government is strong and fully supported by the allies. For the enemies, this will be the first defeat amongst many in the future.


2.      MODI 3.0 will most likely achieve bullish economical front by scaling extraordinary growth trajectory and fulfil the promise of making Bharat the 3rd largest economy by 2nd half of the year 2026.


3.     Manufacturing (Make in India) will gain a huge push in MODI 3.0 as indicated by the strength of Shani dev, Mangal, Rahu and their interconnection.


4.    Foreign trade and FDI will break all past records by very far as seen by the strength of 2nd Bhaava (Trade) and Shukra being the 12th and 7th Adhipati placed in 7th with 2nd, 11th and 10th Adhipatis. The same combinations are also indicating that % of people opting for own enterprises, startups, and self-employment will see a steep rise.


5.   The military conflict of considerable scale at boarders with China is almost inevitable. The likely time frame is mid-December 2024 to May 2025. This is also time of terror attacks and the activation of the sleeper-cells supported by the urban-naxals. In short, this is the most dangerous period of challenges for our country as a whole and particularly for the government and security apparatus. The 2nd such time frame is November 2025 to March 2026. As the oath chart has extremely strong Mangal, several other positive configurations and formidable Kaahala yoga, our government (MODI 3.0) will be decisive, preemptive and diplomatically astute to handle any such situation ably assisted by all the security agencies and strong military force. I have no doubt that our country will be victorious against any such conflicts.


6.    Strong and allies with numbers (like Nitish and Chandrababu) will mostly not leave MODI 3.0 because the strong 7th Bhava and overall stability of the chart. Allies are gaining the share in the power and reflected benefit in their own state aspirations.


7.    Challenges for the government will keep coming from Farmers and other labor unions such as Railways, transport and also students. Government is likely going to face troubles through them. However, the government will be ultimately successful in winning them over. Especially the most farm unions will eventually become big supporters of Modi 3.0 as the government will try to bring in reforms in farming laws repackaged. As indicated earlier in configurations, Kedar yoga and strength of Mangal indicates that the government is going to be the genuine well-wisher of all citizens in general and farmers & labor class, in particular.


8.      Educational reforms are highly likely due to Rahu placed in 5th Bhaava and 5th lord Guru gaining strength in Rashi and Navamaansha along with Budha and Surya. The disruptive changes in educational policy and contents are also indicated by the 5th placed Rahu joined by Mangal (in Bhaava chalit) as well as 5th placed Ketu from the Vidhya Kaaraka Guru. 5th from Moon aspected by all Grahas and 5th adhipati Mangal in strength also confirms the same.


9.      As the natural kaal-purusha’s 8th Rashi Vrishchik (Scorpio) is the Lagna (like MODI 2.0 Oath chart), the tenure of MODI 3.0 is also going to be transformative and full of formidable challenges. However, unlike MODI 2.0, the 8th Bhaava of the oath chart is not heavily loaded by natural and functional malefic (MODI 2.0 Oath chart of Vrishchik Lagna had Mars+Rahu placed in 8th aspected directly by Shani+Ketu placed in the 2nd), the challenges in MODI 3.0 would be of much lesser magnitude in comparison to the tenure of MODI 2.0


10.  Simply for the academic interest in Jyotish, I would like to point out the comparative influence of the allies in all the MODI governments-


            -In MODI 1.0 oath chart, the 7th adhipati, Mangal, was relegated to the 12th bhava of losses.                     

            However, having some feeble influence over the 7th bhaava and 10th adhipati.

-In MODI 2.0 oath chart, the 7th adhipati, Shukra, was relegated to the 6th which is his Marana Kaaraka Sthaana (Death inflicting placement), and he was also deprived of influence on 10th Bhava or 10th adhipati. Not influence even on the secondary power bhaava 7th.

-In MODI 3.0 oath chart, the 7th adhipati, Shukra, is in own 7th Bhaava along with 10th adhipati Surya and other grahas strongly influencing the Lagna.

One can easily understand that the influence and effectiveness of allies are much stronger in MODI 3.0 than 1.0 and 2.0. It is obvious with comparative seat numbers and interestingly, it shows in all the 3 charts!

The most important indications I am looking at the chart is the stability, effectiveness and tenure of MODI 3.0

11.  Stability and effectiveness are concluded in the above part of the article. Enough hints are also provided on the tenure of the government. I do not see MODI 3.0 government completing her full tenure of 5 years! Refer to the point no. 4, 5 and 6 of the “Features of the oath Kundali” wherein I have provided with the configurations that are not conducive to completing the full tenure for MODI 3.0. It is a kind of paradox which is not so uncommon in Graha-configurations in a chart. The configurations that give stability and strength to the chart are also indicating the tenure being cut short. Interestingly, the reasons is not that the allies pulling down the government by reducing her in minority, but the PM himself amicably dissolving the 18th Lok-Sabha.

I see this happening in Shukra major period of compressed Vimashottari that is running between 31.3.2026 and 31.1.2027. Within Shukra major, the Guru sub running between 6.9.2026 to 16.10,2026 is the period that is when the announcement of LS dissolution may happen.

If we look at the Char Dasha, Vrishabha major will be running. In the major period of Vrishabha and sub period of Mesha, Vrishchik and Mithun are the periods corroborates the likelihood arrived from Vimashottari.

I have zeroed in this period considering Shukra to be the Maaraka and 12th adhipati sitting in Maaraka bhaava with another Maaraka Guru who also carries influence of Rahu. At the same time, in Chara Dasha too, major period of 7th Bhava would be running.

Let’s use the Tithi Pravesha (TP) chart technique to corroborate the same event of the Oath chart.

Figure-4 - TP 2026 chart for the Oath chart of Modi ji as the PM for the 3rd time

If we take TP2026 of the oath chart (given above), we can see that the Mangal being prabala maaraka for the Tula lagna TP2026 chart is placed in the own 7th maaraka bhava aspecting the other maaraka bhaava (2nd) with the 8th aspect. The hora adhipati Chandra, who is also the 10th adhipati, is relegated to the 9th bhaava which is 12th of the 10th bhava. This shows the demise of the government in that particular year albeit amicably and by the PM’s own decision and not by virtue of shock and weakness as the TP Lagna adhipati and Hora adhipati are in 9th bhava of fortune.

All this indicates that the “one nation one election” bill is likely to be passed in summer parliament session of 2026 which may make it mandatory for the PM to dissolve the parliament later in that year go for the fresh record elections happening simultaneously in entire Bharat. (Important clarification: Possibility of "One Nation One Election" is my political assumption. By way of the Jyotish assessment, I have no idea how to assess the same)


Here I also wish to provide an alternate time frame in case the Shukra period fails to end the tenure of MODI 3.0.    

Period of Meena char dasha which runs from 26.8.2027 to 16.2.2028 is also the one that shows end of the power. Checking out from compressed Vimashottari, Mangal major period will be running. Refer to the point no. 5th of the “Features of the oath Kundali” provided at the start. Mangal also becomes willing candidate to end the power as he shifts to the 5th joining the Rahu. 5th is the 8th of the power center (10th bhaava). Rahu major period starting from 16.1.2028 also overlaps Meena char dasha. Thus, the later part of 2027 until the start of 2028 become one more time frame of ending of the tenure of MODI 3.0.

The above conclusions made for the tenure ending of the MODI 3.0 Government were simultaneously verified in the chart of Narendra Modi ji. So let me describe the assessment taking his chart.

Figure-5 - Narendra Modi ji's Kundali


Figure-6 - Vimashottari Maha Dasha of Narendra Modi ji's Kundali

Figure-7 - Char Dasha of Narendra Modi ji's Kundali

I have discussed Modi ji’s chart extensively in couple of articles as well as a YouTube video. I am taking up here a very few most important points to check only the subject matter.

Modi ji became the PM of Bharat 3 times in the following mentioned periods as seen from the Vimashottari Dasha of his Kundali.


1.      Chandra / Rahu (May 2014)

2.      Chandra / Budha (May 2019)

3.      Mangal / Guru (June 2024)

Common factor in all the 3 periods is that the major period is directly connected to the 10th Bhaava, the seat of the highest power. In the first two cases, Chandra major period was running. Chandra is the 10th adhipati involved in the powerful simhaasana yoga. Even the debilitation of Chandra has not stopped him from ascending to the position of the highest power because the Mangal, dispositor of Chandra, is strongly placed in own 2nd bhaava with 10th adhipati Chandra. It is to be noted that the ascend of Modi ji at National level and vertical surge in popularity across Bharat happened in Chandra / Mangal Vimashottari.

 It is to be noted again that the debilitation of Mangal in Navamaansha did not affect Modi ji’s prospect of getting the highest power.

 The 3rd tenure for him as the PM of Bharat happened in Mangal Major period. If one sees Mangal ordinarily, one may tend to take him as a strong Maaraka afflicting the 10th adhipati Chandra and so one can predict fall of Modi ji from the seat of the PM. The debilitation will be also counted to predict the loss of power. HOWEVER, it has not happened that way. Modi ji has comeback as the PM when he is well into Mangal Dasha!

This shows that Jyotish is not easy to grasp accurately. Just looking at debilitation (in Rashi and Varga) or Maaraka or exaltations aren’t sufficient. One or more powerful yogas can change the course partially or completely. We have seen this clearly in Modi ji’s Kundali wherein Maaraka power of Mangal, his debilitation in Navamaansha and Chandra’s debilitation in Rashi afflicted by Maaraka Mangal have been superseded by the powerful Simhaasana yoga. Also, the Mangal became highly beneficial by virtue of being the despositor of Chandra. This is not to say that he wouldn’t have suffered in some kaarkatva denoted by Chandra and Mangal. It is never discrete. My point is that he didn’t have to suffer on political power, on the contrary, his political prospects were immensely fortified.

Now I did predict his 2014 and 2019 general election prospects quite accurately (Becoming PM without needing support from allies. BJP getting majority of her own). In 2024 as well I was always confident of him becoming PM even when I knew he would be running Mangal dasha. However, I proved wrong in the extent of success. I was much confident of BJP crossing the tally of 2019, even getting close to 2/3rd majority on her own. However, as it turned out, he did become the PM but needed the support of allies to even reach the simple majority mark.

What was the reason? I did the postmortem as one should always do to learn from the failure so that it helps in future.

My confidence of his becoming PM was coming from 3 things as I already indicated earlier and doing it again with an apology of repeating myself.

1.    Mangal being the Shubhapati (Despositor of the Chandra).

2.  Mangal participating in the Simhaasana yoga.

3.     Mangal with the 10th adhipati Chandra.

From the above 3 formidable factors in the favor of Mangal major period, I was most confident of Modi ji becoming PM again in the 3rd consecutive term was mainly due to the 3rd point. Mangal with the 10th Adhipati cannot remove him from the highest power was my Jyotish logic which proved correct.

So now let me indicate the main reason(s) that resulted in my failure in judging the loss of seats. BJP couldn’t even reach the simple majority in recently concluded general election under PM’s leadership.

I didn’t quite judge the mischief of the Antardasha period (sub period). Let me provide the details for the benefit of the readers.

I am going back to the 3 periods given earlier wherein NaMo became the PM in 2014, 19 & 24.

1.      Chandra / Rahu (May 2014)

2.      Chandra / Budha (May 2019)

3.      Mangal / Guru (June 2024)

Major periods are already discussed. Let’s focus on the AD periods.

In 2014, the AD was of Rahu. Rahu is a political graha along with Surya. In NaMo’s chart, Rahu is quite well placed in the 6th Bhava of Upachaya. Equally crucial is the “Bhoga Rashi/Bhaava.”

Calculate Bhaava (or Rashi) from MD Graha to the AD graha. Bhoga Rashi will be placed in the same displacement from AD Graha. In this case, counting from Chandra to Rahu comes to 5. If we count 5 from Rahu, it’ll be Karka Rashi (10th Bhaava). Thus, the Bhoga (fruit/culmination) was in the 10th Bhaava of highest power.


Similarly in 2019, the “Bhoga” again comes in the 10th Bhaava. At the same time Mercury is exalted in his chart having the political Surya and param yoga kaaraka Shani within 1 degree. Thus, the AD Graha is also inherently strong.


If we apply the similar Jyotish logic in 2024, we see that the Bhoga falls in the 8th Bhaava! The AD Graha Guru is also the functional malefic for the Tula lagna chart being the adhipati of 3rd and the 6th. Being placed in the 5th bhaava, he affects the prospects of the 10th bhaava of power as he is placed in the 8th bhaava from the 10th.

Modi ji’s PM ship was indeed saved by the extraordinary strength of the Mangal, otherwise, Guru would have removed him from the highest seat of the power i.e. the position of the Prime Minister. (Though a little favorable aspect of the 8th Bhaava can be considered that the 8th Bhaava is directly aspected by both the Grahas that constitute Simhaasana yoga which can be a saving grace even within the Guru AD.)

Comparing the results of last three General elections, the above Jyotish logic is quite convincing


In going forward, applying the same logic in the prospects of near future, we can see that the ongoing AD of Guru as well as the next AD of Shani, both are going to be challenging as the Bhoga Rashi falls in the 8th Bhava. It is likely to limit the extent of power exerted by him as the PM relatively. However, the strength of Mangal Dasha wouldn’t allow to make him lose the highest seat of Power. He’ll continue to push back and find his way to take decisions in favor of our country. Shani AD will be better than Guru because Shani being the PYK (Param Yoga Kaaraka for the Tula Lagna).

Come Budha AD from 16.12.2025 and he’ll bounce back to his original commanding self as the PM. I have listed the strength of Budha earlier. Add to that, the Bhoga Rashi again comes back to the 10th Bhaava! Baring the AD of Shukra, all the other ADs i.e. Ketu, Surya and Chandra will be of equal strength for him because in Ketu and Surya AD, Bhoga Rashi is placed in the 10th Bhaava whereas in Chandra AD, Bhoga Rashi is placed in the 2nd Bhaava wherein the Simhaasana yoga is happening with Chandra-Mangal conjunction in the birth chart. This “Bhoga” placement is the best! even better than the Bhoga placed in the 10th Bhaava. Out of all the period in Mangal Maha Dasha, Chandra AD period running from November 2028 to June 2029 would prove to be the crowning glory in his entire political career.

Combining the MODI 3.0 chart assessment done in the first half of the article and the assessment of Modi ji’s Kundali and Dasha periods in the 2nd part of the article, I am coming to conclusion that NaMo will have to face another general election in his Budha AD period.

I am reproducing the extract which I wrote earlier in Oath chart conclusion:

[[ I see this happening in Shukra major period of compressed Vimashottari that is running between 31.3.2026 and 31.1.2027. Within Shukra major, the Guru sub running between 6.9.2026 to 16.10,2026 is the period that is when the announcement of LS dissolution may happen.]]

The above period comes in the Budha AD period (16.12.2025 to 13.12.2026) of NaMo’s personal chart.

There is a very strong chance of premature General elections and NaMo is likely to come back again with stupendous mandate. Powerful enough to sweep out many poisonous thorns from the constitution.


1.      MODI 3.0 is likely to be dissolved in the 2nd half of the year 2026.

2.   At the end of 2026 (Nov-December), NaMo is likely to become the record 4th time PM with a stupendous mandate surpassing the mandate of 2019. High chances of this time frame. Failing that, there will be another chance in 2027 end-2028 1st half.

3. NaMo’s unparalleled political and nation building Yagya of lifetime is likely to end in Rahu/Rahu period in 2031 or 2032. Rahu’s despositor Guru is placed in the 5th which is the 8th placement from the 10th. Also, in Bhaava Chalit, Rahu shifts to the 5th and joins the despositor Guru. In Char dasha, Kanya, Tula and finally Vrishchik major periods are ending in September 2032. The final one is the one that carries Simhaasana yoga (17.9.2030 to 17.9.2032).

NaMo’s ascendency to the direct political power in the Government started in October 2001 when he was parachuted as the CM of Gujarat and the Godhara happened in February 2002. Both incidents happened when Shani dev was transiting in Vrishabha. Shani’s 30 years transit cycle is always significant. In 2030-32, Shani Dev is again transiting through Vrishabha and that corroborates with the arrived conclusion of the end of the present life-time mission for him. He was suddenly placed in the seat of power. He may suddenly be taken away by the divine Mother once his work is over on the Earth.

CiOJ’s (Chosen Instrument of Jagadamba) mission will conclude after the world comes out of the global conflict of extraordinary scale in 2031-32. By the time, he would have put our Bharat well on the path of glory…

4.  Nandi Maharaj’s wait of 300+ years at the original Kashi Vishwanath will end around mid of 2027.



  1. Thanks you sir for your detail analysis. Very happy to read this.

  2. Shat shat pranam sir ! May everything you have predicted come true for the sake of our country 🙏🏻

  3. Hello sir. Thank you for your analysis. Can you please confirm that whenever the parliament is dissolved by Modiji- only he would come to power and there would be no unpleasant opposition party in power even for a short duration of time.. we will be doomed even if they come to power for 1 day

  4. Thanks for detailed analysis. Kind Regards 🙏🙏

  5. Many thanks for your detailed analysis Sir.Happy to know that despite challenges NaMo will fulfill his mission of setting Bharath on the path of glory and restore Sanatana Dharma...

  6. Thank you sir🙏

  7. We miss you in twitter


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