Narendra Modi's Birth day - a crucial clue to Astrologers!

30.12 (My Guru Ramana Maharshi's birth day as per English calendar)

A few times over past 4 years, i tried to satiate my curiosity to see the opinions, analysis of various astrologers around the world on Narendra Modi ji's astrological chart. As expected, Vedic Jyotish (Hindu Jyotish Shastra) practitioners have relied upon few different "timings of his birth" available on internet and various other sources. Most are considering 17.09.1950 is the date though. However, what surprised me is that there are a few, who actually considered different dates too (i.e. different day, Month, year or all of them). meaning they considered 'other than' popularly accepted 17.09.1950.

We astrologers have an inherent weakness. (This weakness has large share from the enormous complications in this Shaastra of Vedic Jyotish). We can effortlessly justify any chart for any event/personality. To give an idea, we can royally fit a Narendra Modi in a real chart of Manmohan Singh. :-D (pun intended) unless we are courageous enough to understand limitations of our understandings of the vast knowledge and stick to analytical honesty as wellas sharpen our intuitional faculty by various saatwik ways.

It is quite accepted fact that people in Politics float wrong data in public space. However, in case of Naredra Modi, this seems to be an exception and this is the reason, i had cautiously ventured into analyzing his chart 4 years back. He is the only Politician (and probably the last one) whose chart i analyzed. 

Coming back to the point. Thought of giving a crucial clue to whoever is interested so that people just don't shoot in the dark and waste their energies on a chart selected on a completely wrong data.

We in Gujarati Hindus and Jains, almost always keep Names of our children based on Moon sign of birth. The 1st letter of any Gujarati name would be selected based on his/her birth Moon Sign. We call it Rashi (i.e. Moon Rashi). And THIS practice is by default followed among most Gujaratis. I have not found such practise followed in any other state of Bharat.

let me Technically explain this:
Following is the list of "Alphabets" corresponding to "Moon Rashi"
Mesha (Aries) - अ, ल, इ, ई
Vrishabh (Taurus) - ब, व, उ, ऊ
Mithun (Gemini) - क छ, घ (Gh)
Kark (Cancer) - ड, ह
Simha (Leo) - म, ट
Kanyā (Virgo) - प, ठ (Th)
Tulā (Libra) - र, त
Vrishchik (Scorpio) - न, य
Dhanu (Sagittarius) - ध (Dh), भ (Bh), फ
Makar (Capricorn) - ख, ज
Kumbha (Aquarius) - ग, श, स
Meena (Pieces) - द, च, झ

Take few cases.
1) This author's name is उत्पल (Utpal). Name starts from "उ" which is the alphabet related to "Vrishabh (Taurus) Rashi of birth Moon. My birth Moon is indeed in Vrishabh Sign!
2) धीरज लाल (धीरुभाई) - name starts with "ध" which corresponds to Dhanu (Sagittarius) sign. Dhirubhai Ambani's birth moon is indeed in Dhanu (Check out 28.12.1932)
3) अमीत शाह (Amit Shah) - Name starts with "अ" belongs to Mesh (Aries). Check out his Birth date 22.10.1964 to confirm the logic that Moon is indeed in Aries on that given date. 

Same goes for all or most of Gujaratis - Known or unknown. I know this fact first hand. Thus, one can very easily know the Birth Rashi (Moon rashi) of a Gujarati just by knowing his or her Name.

This traditional ancient practice followed by Gujaratis till date to integrate Jyotish Shastra into life of a person permanently is THAT clue which easily helps curious Astrologers and others to find out correctness of Shri Narendra Modi's birth date. Check out Moon's Rashi on 17.09.1950 and you'll see that the Moon was in Vrishchik (Scorpio) sign on that day. His parents obviously went as per the age old Gujju practise and named him  नरेन्द्र because they must have been told by a local Pundit (or local panchang) that the new born is having Moon in Scorpio sign and hence the name should start from either न (Na) or य (Ya).

So dear Astrologers & other intrested ones, 17.09.1950 is THE correct birth date of our PM Shri Narendra Modi ji. However, on timing (Mainly Lagna Rashi) you all may have difference of opinion.

Wish you all a very happy ad delightful year-2017.

Jay Ramana Guru _/\_


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