॥ Satsang-6 ॥ Ribhu Geetā Ch.26 (Recommended by Ramana Maharshi)

Salutations to सच्चिदानंद ब्रह्म.

Relatively lesser known Ribhu Geetā is the sixth section of Shiva Rahasya - the ancient treaty which carries teachings of Ishwar (Shiva) imparted to his devotee Ribhu. Like Ashtavakra Geetā, Ribhu Geetā too is the purest Advaitic form of teaching which carries the highest and sublimest spiritual knowledge given away by none other than Shiva himself.

This treaty was later freely translated into "Tamil verses" by a highly reputed Vedic scholar by name
Bhikshu Sastri who was also an accomplished scholar in Tamil. He translated the work under the name of Ulaganatha Swami and the work carries of 1924 verses in total.

It is evident from various records that Shri Ramana Maharshi strongly recommended recital of Ribhu Geetā (along with Ashtāvakra Geetā) as a strong support for Spiritual Sadhana. He was of the opinion that recital of 26th chapter (Tamil version) is especially powerful which can lead to spontaneous abidance in the SELF (Aatman/Brahmn).

This excerpt from the official website of Sri Ramanasramam (http://www.sriramanamaharshi.org/resource_centre/audio/sri-ribhu-gitai/ ) gives an idea of the importance of Ribhu Geetā:
[The Maharshi later told of his surprise upon hearing an exact description of his own exalted state in verses recited from this Ribhu Gitai. Until then he had no idea that what had happened to him during an intense, brief enquiry into his own being at his Madurai house, had been experienced by others and was much sought after by the seekers of Truth from time immermorial.]

Tamil version of Ribhu Geetā is not the exact-one to one-narration of original Sanskrit work. It also carries considerable lesser verses in comparison to the number of Sanskrit verses available in original work. There is mismatch even in the chapter numbers. Hence the effort was made to locate the equivalent of Ch 26 of Tamil work in the Sanskrit treaty.
It was observed that Ch.26 of Tamil version of Ribhu Geetā is almost entirely covered in the 29th chapter of original Sanskrit work published by Dr. Lingeshwar Rao.

There was a thought of creating an Audio of 29th Chapter with all 70 verses in Sankrit along with English translation of each verse. The intention was of spiritual help for the author as well as other non-Tamil speaking spiritual seekers. following two links are the result of this intention.

1) Sanskrit and English translation
Ribhu Geeta Chapter 26 - Sankrit & English recital

2) Only English translation
Ribhu Geeta Chapter 26 - English recital

May all seekers of highest truth, benefit from this tiny work.

Salutations to Maharshi Ribhu and Maharshi Ramana
Salutations to Sachhidanada!
ॐ नम: शिवाय


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