॥ Satsang-5 ॥ Ashtāvakra Geeta audio link


अष्टावक्र गीता documented in 20 chapters, is one of the few crowning glories which describes pinnacle of spiritual development in Vedic culture.
This highly popular treaty amongst seekers of various paths, is the discourse between अष्टावक्र ऋषी and जनक राजा covering varieties of spiritual topics such as ways of attaining Liberation, nature of Brahmn (Atmā/Self), nature of Self realized gyāni, internalized experiences of the Gyaani etc...

Giving few verses here:

The start of the treaty is with King Janak asking a question and reply of Rishi Ashtāvakra.
1) कथंज्ञानमवाप्नोति कथंमुक्तिर्भविष्यति । वैराग्यंचकथंप्राप्त मेतत्ब्रूहि मम प्रभो ॥
[KathamGyānamvāpnoti KathamMuktirBhavishyati
 VairāgyamchKathamPrāpt MetatBruhi mam Prabho]

( Janak said- How can knowledge be acquired? How can liberation be attained? How is renunciation possible? Tell me this, O Prabhu.)

2) Rishi Ashtāvakra replies (and with this verse the 1st chapter of AV Geeta begins)
मुक्तिमिच्छसिचेत्तात विषयान्विषवत्यज । क्षमार्जवदयातोष सत्यंपीयूषवद्भज ॥
[MuktiMichhasiChettāta VishayānVishayatyaja
KshamārjavaDayātosha SatyamaPiyushVadBhaja]

(Ashtāvakra said - If you aspire after liberation, my child, shun the objects of the senses as poison and seek forgiveness, sincerity, kindness, contentment and truth as nectar.

3) Verse no. 6, 7 & 8th of 10th chapter:
राज्यंसुता:कळत्राणि शरिराणि सुखानिच । संसक्तस्यापिनष्टानि तवजन्मनिजन्मनि ॥
(Kingdom, sons, wives, bodies and pleasures have been lost to you birth after birth, even though you were attached to them)

अलमर्थेनकामेन सुकृतेनापिकर्मणा । एभ्य:संसारकांतारे नविश्रान्तमभून्मन:॥
(Enough of prosperity, desire and pious deed. The mind did not find repose in the dreary forest of the world.)

कृतंनकतिजन्मानि कायेनमनसागिरा । दु:खमायासदंकर्मतदधाप्युपरम्यताम् ॥
(For how many incarnations have you not done hard and painful work with your body, mind and speech! Therefore at least today- STOP.

4) Verse 3 of ch. 13
कृतंकिमपिनैवस्यादितिसन्चित्य तत्वत:। यदायत्कर्तुमायाति तत्कृत्वासेयथासुखम् ॥
(Fully realising that nothing whatsoever is really done by the SELF, i do whatever presents itself to be done and live happily.

5) Verse 1 of ch. 8
तदामुक्तिर्यदाचित्तंनवाँछतिनशोचति । नमुँचतिनगृह्णातिनहर्ष्यतिनकुप्यति ॥
(It is liberation when the mind does not desire or grieve on anything,  reject or hold on to anything, feel happy or angry about anything)

6) Verse 8 of ch. 9
वासनाएवसंसारइतिसर्वाविमुन्च्यता: । तत्त्यागोवासनात्यागात् स्थितिरद्धयथातथा ॥
(Desire alone is the Sansār, knowing this renounce all Desires. Renouncing them, you may live anywhere.

7) Verse 2 & 3 of ch. 15
मोक्षोविषयवैरस्यं बन्धोवैषयिकोरस: । एतावदेवविज्ञानं यथेच्छसितथाकुरु ॥
(Liberation is distaste for the objects of the senses. Bondage is love for object of the senses. This varily is knowledge. Now do as you please)

वाग्मिप्राज्ञमहोधोगं जनंमूकजडालसम् । करोतितत्वबोधोयमतस्त्यक्तोबुभुक्षुभि: ॥
(This knowledge of the Truth makes an eloquent, wise and active person mute, inert and lethargic. Hence it is shunned by those whose aim is enjoyment)

8) Verse 1 of ch. 16
आचक्ष्वशृणुवातात नानाशास्त्राण्यनेकश:। तथापिनतवस्वास्थ्यंसर्वविस्मरणाद्रते ॥
(My child, you may often speak upon various scriptures or hear them. But you cannot be established in the Self unless you forget all.

9) verse 4 of ch. 8
यदानाहंतदामोक्षो यदाहंबन्धनंतदा । मत्वेतिहेलयाकिन्चित् मागृहाणविमुन्चमा ॥
(When there is no 'i', there is liberation; when there is 'i', there is bondage. Considering this, refrain from accepting or rejecting anything)

The main purpose of this blog was to provide one audio link of complete discourse to interested one.
I found listening to these audio files very useful. Repeatedly hearing and contemplating on this discourse will surely deepen the bhav of vairāgya and help clearing the vision about the supreme goal of this life. It'll reinforce the faith in the hearts of seekers of the absolute TRUTH.

The link is from Ramanasramam and it has chapter wise audio files in Sanskrit, Tamil and English. They also have a small booklet of AV Geeta wherein Sanskrit verses are written by Ramana Maharshi himself. Don't forget to listen the introduction for those who are first time introduced to AV Geeta.


May we all benefit listening to these audio files of अष्टावक्र गीता.
May ऋषी अष्टावक्र and ऋषी जनक bestow their blessings upon all who are seeksers of Liberation.

॥ ॐ जनकवक्राय नम:॥
॥ ॐ नम: शिवाय ॥


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