शनीजयंति (Shani Jayanti) & Shanivaar!

Vaishākh Amāvasyā (4th June 2016, शनीवार)
Namaste to all,

This is a quick notification to all interested. Vaishākh Amāvasyā has started about an hour back today. It means that Shani Jayanti has started. (Although as per Panchāng, its 5th June but in reality its major part is on 4th June). The coincidence that it came on Shanivār (Saturday), its power and auspiciousness are increased manifold.
Selfless desires & prayers for good of others and society at large as well as spiritual progress of ones Ego are best done today and night. Spiritual activities like Havan/Homam, Japa, Meditation, Donations to worthy, feeding poors and deprived etc... are the activities to be performed today IMHO.
Today is the ideal day & night to pray Shani dev for Spiritual progress and also for society, country & the world at large!

Those on Twitter may remember that 8th June 2013 was also the Shani Jayanti coinciding with Saturday. Many Natinalists Internet Hindus had prayed Shani Deva on that day for making NaMo as the new Leader of BJP and for our country's good. On that day, BJP's rank holders arrived at Goa to decide their New leadership. We all prayed for NaMo's elevation in that most crucial conference. Shani Dev supported all of us and on Sunday (9th June 2013) the decision was taken to make Narendra Damodardas Modi as the Chief of BJP's Election campaign.

ॐ शं शनैश्चराय नम:


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