
Showing posts from April, 2015

Liberation: The best explanation ever...

[ If asked, 'Which of these three is final liberation:-   With form, without form, or with-and-without-form?' I say, "Liberation is the extinction of the ego which enquires--- With form, without form, or with-and-without-form'." ] श्री रमण महर्षी How simple, direct, beautiful, scholarly and convincing explanation this is!! i haven't found any defination on liberation which can match these few words by Ramana Guru || Happy अक्षय त्रुतीय॥ - The tithi which indicates आत्मा who is अ-क्षय ... Indestructible.. Changeless..

॥ Journey from Mano-Nishtha towards Ātma-Nishtha॥

॥ चैत्री अमावस्या ॥ रमण महर्षी's message as it occoured to me: Quote: "This is the sum and substance of all that an aspirant needs to know. What is imperatively required of him (her) is an earnest and one-pointed enquiry into the source of  the Aham-vritti." Unquote *** अहं व्रृत्ती (Feeling of "i" within us) is a subtle yet central & powerful thought in each of us. If we just take few moments to go within, we will unmistakably catch THAT... The central feeling which makes us aware of "I am". Its that "constant thought" present in each of us living being. Ramana's message of Ātma-Vichār, in its practical implementation, is anchored on this very Aham-vritti. This Aham-vritti, in most of us, at all times (except in deep sleep) gets attached to one chain of thoughts or the other, gets merged and drawn with it. Lets call this phenomena happening to Aham-vritti as "Mano-Nishtha" (मनो निष्ठा). An aspirant's efforts...

ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन"..

अनहद थक चुका..पूरा तूट चुका.. मनके भार तले दब गया.. धूत्कार से सहेम गया । अब सहनेके पार है ये अहंकारी जीवन.. ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन" ॥ युगों से मैं भटक रहा.. ईच्छाओंसे चहेक रहा.. मैंने रचाया जाल ये.. ऊसीमे मैं बहेक रहा । बाँवरा बन गया मैं खो गया निज-स्मरण.. ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन" ॥ कर्मों का भार ढ़ो रहा.. मैं ज़ार ज़ार रो रहा.. तील तील मैं मर रहा.. मैं तार तार हो रहा । करूणासभर ह्रदयसे न होती अब ठोकरें सहन.. ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन" ॥ गुरू रमणा!! छातीसे लगा लो.. संसार का सब भान भुला दो.. चीत्कार मेरी अब तो सुन लो.. आत्माकी माला में बुनलो । नेत्रों की अनुकंपासे धो डालो ह्रदय-दर्पण.. ओ अरूणाचलशिव! कुचलदो ये "मैं और मन" ॥ ॥ॐ रमणार्पणमस्तु ॥