Astrological analysis of the moment of "Narendra Modi's PM Candidature announcement"

Astrological Analysis
Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi’s (NaMo) PM Candidature Public Announcement
Date of writing: 16th October 2013

Exactly after 3 months, I am again venturing into the Jyotish analysis of another very important event related to Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi. Most probably, this would be the last one before general elections due in May2014.
I would like to point out to the readers related to my last analysis of his ECC chairmanship that I did not foresee his stepping down from the ECC Chairmanship post. In that sense, it’s my failure to notice such possibility notwithstanding his Upgradation to the highest position in the party in just about 3 months period. However, it’s quite heartening for all nationalists who have supported him against all oppositions (most nagging one was from party patriarch).
Now that we have no ambiguity left by BJP as they have announced Shri Modi as their PM candidate, let me try to see the chart of public announcement of the same, through eyes of Veda i.e. Jyotish Shastra . Date & time of Public announcement in a press conference:  Place: Delhi, Date: 13th September 2013, Time: 18:30 pm

Chart Data: 13th September 2013, 18:30, New Delhi, Bharat

I am summerising Graha positioning of the chart as under:

Basic Rashi Chart: Lagna-Kumbha, Moon in 11th (Dhanu), Shani-Shukra-Rahu in 9th (Tula), Mercury in 6th (Kanya), Sun in 7th (Simha), Mars in 6th (Karka), Jupiter in 5th (Mithun), Ketu in 3rd (Mesha)

Navamansha Position: Lagna-Mithun, Moon in Lagna, Jupiter-Mercury in 11th (Mesha), Saturn-Rahu in 9th (Kumbha), Venus-Sun in 7th (Dhanu), Mars in 6th (Vrischik), Ketu in 3rd (Simha)   

Screen Shot of the Chart is as shown below:


Understanding the chart astrologically:

Lagna is Kumbha (Aquarious), Sthir, Strong & philosophical rashi aspected by 11th/2nd lord Jupiter from 5th , Strong Sun from 7th & 9th placed Rahu. Lagnesh Saturn & Rahu (Both rule Kumbha) are placed in 9th in Tula rashi along with own house Venus. 5th lord Mercury is exalted in Kanya Rashi placed in 8th. 11th /2nd Lord Jupiter is placed in 5th house of Power. 6th Lord Moon is placed in 11th. One of the 10th Lords, Mars is debliliated in 6th & the other co-lord Ketu is in 3rd.

This is a little complicated chart. Lagna is extremely strong as both LL i.e. Saturn & Rahu are placed in 9th house of fortune & guidance along with strong 9th Lord Venus. Saturn, Rahu & Venus are friendly planets to each other. Shani is exalted Sign, Venus in own sign. Simply fortunate combination. However, there is a catch. 9th is also a Badhaka house. House of Obstacles. That means 9th house & Lagna house is very strong but not w/o strong obstacles. Now which factor will win in ultimate analsysis? 9th house&Lord of fortune or 9th house&lord of obstacles? That’s the catch22 situation for a Jyotish student. Let me try to see this:

Venus is a Badhaka as well as lord of fortune. It also stands for a Father/Mentor/Guide/Father like figure. Now LKA is attitude during the whole sequence clearly showed everybody that he was unhappy against NaMo’s PM candidature announcement. That Shows the traits of a “Badhaka”. Badhaka was the mentor –The Party Patriarch is quite visible in the chart due to 9th house/lord becoming Badhaka house/planet in this particular chart. Further, if we check relationship between “Saturn-Rahu (Self) with Venus (Mentor/elderly guidance) then it shows:
Permanent : Adhi-Mitra (very friendly)
Temporary: Adhi-Shatru (Very inmical)
Compund: Sama (Neutral)
Al the above factors shows that though basic attitude of the mentor looks friendly, Temporary attitude (for reference of PM candidature) is/was very inmical but Combined attitude becomes Neutral, which means the support/guidance of the mentor would be neutral. Niether sabotaging nor helping. If we observe LKA’s attitude during the whole chain of events & afterwords then the above proves astonishingly correct.  LKA finally did come on the same stage in MP’s historical meet of BJP. Another point is that Saturn & Rahu both in the 9th along with 9th lord Venus also means that there will not be any partition in BJP’s top seniormost leadership on this issue (of NaMo’s PM candidature) though differences will remain but they would not be damaging to party’s fortune during elections and on the contrary, they would ultimately enhence fortune of BJP. One more aspect to this is Saturn & Rahu being very strong in 9th house as Lagna lord also indicates that NaMo’s “will” will ultimately  prevail in major policy descisions. Without doubt, this chart clearly shows that the subject, who is selected as party’s PM Candidate will act shrewdly, ruthlessly yet tactfully & with sole agenda of Dharma (9th house) and ultimately party’s fortune will soar under his leadership. BTW Strong Lagnesh in 9th indicates No subordination. i.e. Own Boss!

Moon is placed in the 11th. House of gains and fructification of desires. In relation to this chart, we are talking of Party’s victory or loss, Party’s performance in the elections, NaMo’s actually becoming PM or not. Moon is in 11th is a very good sign for NaMo & BJP. Moon is karaka (representative) of People’s adulation/support and he is also the 6th lord which means those who are overt enemies. Now People of the country  as well as enemies of the suject both will work towrds fullfulment of the desire of the Subject viz-a-viz his party. Its now established beyond doubt that in general NaMo is the most loved politician in Bharat. Probably his polularoty is more than Indira Gandhi if we take South in considerations. People are thronging to his sabha’s in several lacs numbers on their own and even paying the fees of few rupees. As usual, enemies like Media and political class as usual helps his cause more and more. Moon shows all these things.
Finally Moon is aspected directly and strongly by 11th lord Jupiter who is in turn strongly placed in 5th house (house of Power/followers). This is quite supportive to the cause of 11th house. Gajakesari yoga between Jupiter & Moon invloving 5th & 11th houses is very strong. Interestingly, followers of supporters of NaMo are Masses (Moon) as well as people with wisdom, knowledge & inclined to Dharma (Jupiter).

Rahu is in 9th Indicates that Muslims & other Minority will also enhence fortune of the chart. It seems to me that Minorities will support BJP for NaMo’s candidature. This would be a path breaking phenominan as far as BJP’s history goes

5th lord & 8th lord Mercury is exalted in 8th house provides longevity. It also generates strong saral yoga. This strong Mercury is placed in 10th house from Moon Lagna. These are strong factors. Strong 8th lord placed in 8th house & exalted indicates that NaMo will have very long tenure as PM  nominee. Can further mean that he’ll be nominated PM for many years to come.

Sun being in 7th strongly placed in own Simha Rashi indicates that Govenrment –lobby in power are NaMo’s biggest & bitterest opponents. It clearly evident as well. Sun being very strong indicates that they’ll not leave any stone unturned to defeat NaMo. We should be ready to witness all knids of drama and bitterness. I do not call it 2nd Mahabharata without reasons.

10th Lord Mars is in 6th debilated & another 10th co-lord Ketu is in 3rd. Rashi wise Mars is in weak rashi due to its debiliation but its neutralises this particular weakness due to –
·         Its Navamansha position in Scorpio Rashi
·         Its 6th house position in Rashi as well Navamansh position. Which is very good for Mars

Its noteworthy that even Ketu is in the same house in Rashi & Navmansha chart i.e. 3rd House of Parakrama (valour) & Efforts and he is placed in fiery signs Aries & Leo respectively.

Thus Mars & Ketu in 6th & 3rd houses respectively suggest road ahead of full Actions (Karma), efforts & bitter fights. NaMo is obviously face himalayan opposition and will show even better efforts, valour & sheer ruthlessness to defeat that opposition.

One point about Navamansha position of Saturn & Rahu which I missed earlier. Saturn and Rahu are again repeats their Navamansha placement of 9th house. They are placed in Kumbha (auqarious) rashi which is their own rashi. So both lords of Rashi Lagna are also strong in Navamansha- Rashi wise & placement wise. Very strongly enhences Lagna & 9th house of Rashi.

One note about placement from Moon Lagna reference: 11th is strong with Exalted Saturn, Rahu & own house Venus. 9th is strong with Own house Sun. 10th is strong too with exalted 10th lord Mercury. Moon Lagnesh (despositor of Moon-also called Shubhpati) strongly aspects moon from 7th house. This is par excellence.

Finally, There is Mala yoga which starts from 5th house Guru, continues through 6th house Mars, 7th house Sun, 8th housed Mercury & concludes at 9th house with Saturn-Rahu-Venus. This yoga provides a kind of connection to individual strength of all these houses, planets placed therein as well as house of their lordships. This Yoga is like a joining all available shakti in the form of a string or Mala. – Vijay Mala!!!

Everybody who read through this analysis would have easily arrived at the conclusion. Let me pen it down for the benefit of the readers. It is my firm opinion considering this chart as well as NaMo’s birth chart (refer My Analysis done in the first article) that NaMo is going to become next Prime Minsiter. BJP will come to the power with comfortable sits (Simple Majority or very close to it on their own) and this event of NaMo becoming Prime Minsiter of Bhart will prove to be the turning point & fortunate event in the modern History of our beloved Nation-Bharat!

Jagadambaarpanmastu !!!


  1. If you calculate from the Chandra, Surya is in the 9th in own house, 10th lord in the 10th exalted, giving rise to Simhasana Yoga and Bhadra yoga too !!! Coming to the 9th from Lagna, notice that, Sani and Rahu both are the co-lords of the Kumbh lagna thus making the effect of Bhadaka Venus weak !! Moreovere Guru is aspecting lagna co-lords Sani and Rahu, and Lagna too from the 5th !!! Guru is considered auspicious for Kumbh lagna !! Mangal is debilated in the 6th from Lagna and 8th from Rasi, occupying Pushya Nak, and the lord of the Pushya Nak is exalted in the 9th, thus taking away the sting of Mangal !! :) Jai Guru Dev ! Jai AMbe

  2. Yes! It seems you also agree with my conclusion

  3. Dear Utpal,

    Its great in-depth analysis again . . 3 planet combination in 9th house will make "badhak factor weak" . . Mala Yoga while announcement is really great thing to know . .

    Please add "influence of lady politicians support" in NaMo's life and how much "Messiah of Honesty" may affect the course upto 2014

    With Warm Regards


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