
Astrological Analysis
Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi’s (NaMo) elevation as Chairman of Election Campaign Committee (ECC)

Date of writing: 12th July 2013


Acknowledgement: My heartfelt & sincere pranaams to Shri PVR Narasimha Rao (@homam108) whose Astrology Software, I and am sure, most astrology students uses as the main calculations tool. He has developed (developing) this software since sustain efforts of around decade & half which shows his love for this divine art called Jyotish Shastra. Eyes of Veda! This software by name “Jagannath hora” is by far the most complete & also most poular in the astrology world & can be freely downloaded here à http://vedicastrologer.org/jh/index.htm


In my previous article, I gave detailed astrological analysis of Shri Narendra Modi’s (NaMo) birth chart. The article can be found here http://punyaprakop.blogspot.ae/2013/05/astrological-analysis-of-narendra-modi.html

In that article, the efforts were made to select most likely birth time out of popular 3 different birth times that are floating in the Internet. I may have been correct or may be not in selecting the birth time. However my confidence level is high with the time I have zeroed in.


In this article I am making efforts to analyze another extremely important event through prism of Jyotish Shastra. The Event is announcement of Narendra Modi’s name as the chairman of BJP’s Election campaign Committee. Place: Goa, Date: 9th June 2013, Time: 1:50:49 pm

Timing is not ambiguous here as I have collected information of few sources (Including a specific Tweet of certain Spokesperson of BJP) and all point towards the same time which I have taken as authentic timing in this article.

The event is extremely significant because of more than one reason.

1)    It is NaMo’s *official* transition from State level to National Stage.

2)    BJP’s significant step towards announcing him as their PM candidate for next general elections.

3)    Winning the confidence of BJP&RSS cadre and ensuring their whole hearted support in coming election of States as well as General elections of 2014.

4)    Ensuring people of Bharat about BJP’s firm backing for her most adored & popular leader and thereby enhancing chances of increasing their vote share in a big way.


Alright, let me now get in to astrological analysis of the chart of the Moment when the announcement was made during BJP’s Goa meeting. 

Chart Data: 9th June 2013, 13:50:49, Goa 

Screen Shot of the Chart is as shown below:


I am summerising Graha positioning of the chart as under:

Kanya Lagna, 2nd House has retrograde Shani with Rahu in Tula, Ketu is placed in 8th house in Mesha, 9th house is occupied with Surya & Mangal in Vrishbha and combination of Budha, Guru, Shukra & Chandra in 10th house in Mithuna rashi.


Note: I have restricted to only Rashi chart and did not mention Varga charts (especiall D9 & D10) due to obvious resaons on window of timing. However, I have mentioned one reference of Budha’s D9 Rashi. 

Understanding the chart astrologically: 

1)    One of the most important references in any chart is Lagna. In this case, Lagna is Kanya. It is un occupied & unaspected by any graha drashti while Its lord Budha is placed in 10th house (Karma Sthana, Zenith)

2)    Lagnesh Budha, the Most important planet of this Muhurt chart, is placed in 10th along with Guru, Shukra & Chandra. 10th House is also Budha’s own house.

3)    10th house has combination of Lagna/10th lord (Budha), 2nd/9th lord (Shukra), 4th/7th lord (Guru) & 11th lord (Chandra)

4)    5th/6th lord Shani is retrograde (Vakri) & placed in exaltation sign Tula in 2nd house along with Rahu. Shani is 5th lord of followers as well as 6th lord of enemies,Struggles & figting spirit. Rahu is also co-lord of 6th.

5)    2 fiery planets Surya & Mangal (kuja) are in 9th house of Fortune, Elder’s guidance & support.

It is most important to always keep in mind that scope of this chart is only limited to the Chairman’s success or failure in the coming Elections. It would be misguiding to see any other aspects from this chart.

Keeping that in my mind, let me try to see the strength of Lagna & 10th house (Power, Position, Actions,Poularity) primarily and 9th as well as 11th house (Fulfillment of desire & Gains) secondarily along with Surya (Political Power) and Shani (Mass Popularity)

As mentioned in point no 1 to 3, Lagnesh Budha is placed in 10th house which also happens to be his own house generating one of the panch-Mahapurusha yoga called Bhadra Yoga. Budha is combined with Guru, Shukra & chandra and all the three planets are natural Shubh graha. Functionally also, Shukra is 2nd/9th lord, Guruis 4th/7th lord, Chandra is 11th lord and hence no planet is directly or indirectly related to 6th, 8th or 12th house (Malefic Trik house). There is no aspects of lords of 6/8/12th houses on 10th house. This is a very very crucial feature as well as very rare thing to find in astrological configurations. 10th house and its many combinations are completely bereft of any malefic influence of 6/8/12 houses is 2 of the most important strengths of this chart along with Strength of Lagna/10th Houses.

Combination of 4 Shubh graha Budha, Guru, Shukra & Chandra generates many important yogas (astrological configurations) namely Bhdra, Vesi, Gaja-Kesari, Amala, Chamara, Bheri, Parijata, Brahma, Vasumati, Dharma-Karmadhipati & Lakshmi. All these yogas are directly related to 10th house increases it strength and makes it super powerful. The stregth is also passed on to Lagna house because Lagna Lord Budha is involved in most of these yogas. Add to that 11th lord of fullfilment of desire, 9th lord of fortune & 7th lord of partners are also participates in many of these yogas in 10th. Lagnesh/10th lord Budha has one weakness in Navamansha. It is debiliated in Navamansha which is a weakness. However, that weakness is completely overcome by his desposiotor Guru’s strength in Rashi chart as well as Budha’s direct involvement of scores of benefic yogas.

Combination of 1st Lord, 10th lord, 9th lord & 11th lord in Karma Sthana (Sit of Power) is noteworthy in terms of realisation of ultimate objective of election campaign committee.

Surya (Karaka of Political Power) is placed in 9th. one of the best houses of fortune and so is well placed and gains the strength. Surya is again strengthened by fiery Mangal by similar nature. However, Mangal has his misgivings being lord of 8th house and it shows opposition from Elders/Guru. I think, LKAdvani’s opposition & whole deplorable resignation drama immediately after the event is quite evident from 9th house & position of Mangal in the chart. However 9th lord Shukra’s powerful positioning in 10th & its involvement with scores of Shubh yogas as described earlier, will ultimately prevail. It means elders will ultimately support in Election campaign. Willingly or unwillingly.

Shani is rendered very powerful being exalted, retrograde and placed along with malefic Rahu. Shani strength as 5th & 6th lord along with Rahu indicates few contrast. On one side it shows that enemies will be relentless in their opposition and mechanisation while on the other side there will be enormous mass support to NaMo’s election campaign. On one side it shows daunting opposition to his campaign and on other side Shani will also provide required strength to overcome all the obstacles. Shani will test NaMo’s tenure as Chairman of Election Cmapign committee to the hilt and will also bring out inheretnt strength from the chairman. It should not miss an astrologer’s attention that Shani+Rahu are placed in trine from the 4 planets combination in 10th. Plcement wise Shani is in good relationship with Lagna, 10th, 9th & 11th.


As an astrology student, I am truly encouraged with the Muhurt chart. The chart indicates grand success in its chief objective which is success in election results. NaMo as the chairman of BJP’s election campaign committee will have astounding results. His team’s scale of success will surprise  one & all including himself. I dare say here that BJP may not even need any partners to form next government at center.

Jagadambaarpanmastu !!!



  1. even from Chandra the 9 th lord Sani and co-lord of the 9th Rahu are well placed in the 5th .. 9th lord being a Yogaraka too will help .. Ghatika Lagna for power is in the 5th along with Hora lagna and lord of the 5th is exalted in the 2nd .. He has to be careful regarding health and threats as Ketu is in the 8th .. but Lagna s very strong as 4 subh planets are aspecting the lagna by rasi dhristi ... lagna lord Buddh is in debility in D9 .. it will be too good if his followers or anyone of his family do Vishnu Sahasaranama Chanting on every wednesday for him and Tusli Archana on his janma nakshatra day every month ! Jai Shri Krsna .. by the grace of Lord Shiva we will see him in the chair of PM either in first week of Jan2014 or in May 2014 !

    1. I agree! I completely ignored chart analysis from very important Moon reference. Thank you for pointing out that. It is evident that the chart is equally powerful from this reference as well. as you rightly pointed out, both 9th lords are in 5th, Lagna lord is in Lagna with 5th & 10th lord. Malefic mars in 12th. so very positive signs. Thanks for your comments.

  2. Namah shivaya ... nice analysis and nice write-up... Keep it up bhai _/\_


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