
Showing posts from July, 2016

|| Satsang-3A || (The REALITY - Intellectual understanding of it's presence)

Written on Guru Pournima day. (19th July 2016) Last time there was this article written ( ) wherein we rationalized the fact, by scrutinizing the dream phenomena, that the mind contains power of creating an unreal world (thought world) from within and delude itself by its own creation and play inside as if it were an integral part of that world. Today, on this highly auspicious day of Guru Pournima, inspiration came to conclude the previous thread as an offering to my Guru Ramana Maharshi and Bhagavan Shiv. There are three states of Ego-consciousness (Ahamkaar/ Ego-mind/i-feeling) in our day to day experiences. They are 1) Wakeful 2) Dream and 3) Deep Sleep (Gaadh Nindra/Sushupti). Our Ego consciousness experiences these 3 states by turns and almost on daily basis.   Let’s try to scrutinize all these 3 states. For convenience, let me use “i” (small i) representing Ego-consciousness or Ego-Min...