Find out opposite (वियोग) to appreciate योग (yoga)
Last year i did write a small post on the occassion of 1st ever "International Day of Yoga" (IDY 2015) which can be read here. Thought of just adding a few lines. Think of opposite word of योग. I.e. वियोग (Viyoga). Viyoga means to seperate/part/move away/loose. So its basically separation. On this 2nd योग दिवस (IDY 2016), besides yogāsans (physical postures), it would be highly appropriate & beneficial to ponder as to what is that from which we have been separated? What is that highly likely source of our individuality from which we have seemingly lost contact? From whom, we terribly suffer वियोग at deeper levels of our subconscious? Is there really any source in existance? Is there really any Viyoga we suffer? Or on the contrary, we possibly may have lost a definite source of infinite bliss (आनंद) & peace which we now,at every level of our existence, try to search in infinite objects & events......