Chandrayaan-3, an astrological perspective

Chandrayaan-3, an astrological perspective Thought of writing this article as I remember outraging and advising (of course on Twitter) ISRO, in the aftermath of failure of Chandrayaan-2, to have an auspicious muhurta for launching such events of National and international importance! The main objective of the Chandrayaan-2 wasn't achieved and I remember doing the astrological analysis in the hindsight. The chart is provided below: Even a cursory glance indicates formidable negative aspects that prevented the success. 1. First and foremost is 3 Grahas in retrograde motion which shows success can only come after repeated attempts. i.e. the present attempt in question wasn't going to be fully successful. 2. 9th lord Shani in 8th with powerful Marak Ketu. LL Venus is also with Rahu in 2nd and influenced by Ketu-Shani combination in 8th. 3. Lagna is aspected by Retrograde functional malefic Guru who is the 8th lord and in exchange with 7th co-lord Ketu 4. Moon Rashi lord, Shani ...