|| Satsang-2 ||
When a Sādhak (seeker of Truth) dives deep within with one pointed focus and explores deeper levels of the Consciousness, s(he) is likely to get divine wisdom uncommon to most of us mired deeply in the outer world. The certain Sādhak - "A"- whom I mentioned in the part 1 of this "Satsang" series, gave a refreshing import to one of the most popular Dohas of Kabeer, which supports the point I made at the start. People interested in spirituality are likely to enjoy this pearl of divine inner-worldly wisdom and enrich themselves. The Kabeer doha goes like this: चलती चक्की देख कर, दिया कबीरा रोय । दुई पाटन के बीचमें साबुत बचा न कोय ॥ (Chalati chakki dekh kar, diyā Kabeera roy | Duee pātan ke beechme sābut bachā nā koy ॥ ) Common understanding (as far as I know of including my own) of this couplet will be that Kabeer is in tears seeing that most beings are slowly, surely & heart-wrenchingly crushed and destroyed in this Sansār/repetitive cycle of ...